School of Nursing

From wearable light to tech startup

Lumify Care, supported by the 2021 President’s Innovation Prize and co-founded by May graduate Anthony Scarpone-Lambert and NICU nurse Jennifferre Mancillas, launched an app in January and expects version 2.0 of its uNight Light later in 2022.

Michele W. Berger

Combating health misinformation

A new article from Penn Nursing explains how unreliable and false health information accelerated during the pandemic, and how social media platforms amplified the problem.

From Penn Nursing News

Predicting depression and PTSD risk after trauma

A first-of-its-kind study has assessed the performance of two predictive PTSD screeners to determine their performance in a population heavily impacted by traumatic injury—urban Black men in the United States.

From Penn Nursing News

The effects of pediatric critical illness on absenteeism

Penn Nursing research found children who survive critical illness and their parents commonly experience physical, emotional, and cognitive conditions as a result. These effects can also include prolonged absences from school and/or work.

From Penn Nursing News

Understanding climate stories

In the latest episode of Penn Today’s “Understand This …” podcast series, Bethany Wiggin of the School of Arts & Sciences and Jennifer Pinto-Martin of the School of Nursing discuss climate stories, climate grief, and climate literacy.

Brandon Baker

In the News

Philadelphia Inquirer

RFK Jr.’s vaccine misinformation campaign started after he ignored a Philly doctor

Paul Offit of the Perelman School of Medicine and Melanie Kornides of the School of Nursing comment on Robert F. Kennedy’s misinformation campaign against vaccines.


Philadelphia Inquirer

Donald Trump’s claim in Wildwood that Democrats want to ‘execute babies’ is one of many GOP abortion falsehoods

Melanie Kornides of the School of Nursing says that last month’s conservative Pennsylvania Leadership Conference was designed to manipulate medical information by using incomplete or fake facts.


Philadelphia Inquirer

These two Philly-area nurses are on a mission to get nursing recognized as a STEM field

Marion Leary of the School of Nursing is co-leading a national coalition seeking to convince federal agencies to recognize the field of nursing as a STEM profession.


Women’s Health

How does fat leave the body? Experts explain the weight loss process

Colleen Tewksbury of the School of Nursing and Perelman School of Medicine says that waist circumference is a more accessible and potentially more helpful measure for fat loss than stepping on a scale.


The New York Times

When it’s time for an aging driver to hit the brakes

Lauren Massimo of the School of Nursing says that losing the ability to drive is a major and dehumanizing loss for older adults.