Penn Science Café Presents ‘Public (Mis)understanding of Evolution’
WHO: Michael Weisberg
Chair and Professor
WHAT: Penn Science Café, “Public (Mis)understanding of Evolution”
WHEN: Tuesday, March 1, 6-7 p.m.
WHERE: World Cafe Live Upstairs, 3025 Walnut St., Philadelphia
Ten years have passed since the Kitzmiller v. Dover trial, one of the most prominent public forays into evolution in recent memory. But in the decade since what has changed about the perception of this topic? Michael Weisberg, an expert on scientific methods and evolutionary biology, discusses what we currently know about evolution, why people are still confused about it, what role religion and background play in their perceptions and what he learned on a recent research trip to the Galapagos to document evolution in action. He will share photos from that trip, plus a preview of the short documentary series he and colleagues are creating.
The talk is part of the Penn Science Café free public-lecture series presented by Penn Arts & Sciences and the Office of University Communications that takes science out of the lab for a night on the town. Professor Weisberg’s presentation will be followed by an audience Q&A. Café events are free and open to the public. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. Seating is limited.