Penn Alexander Eighth Graders Take Part in Mock Trial as They Get a Taste of Law School at Penn

WHO:Eighth-grade students from The Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander University of Pennsylvania Partnership School (Penn Alexander)

WHAT:"Communiversity Day," a day-long campus visit designed to provide area youth an opportunity to experience college life and see first hand the broad spectrum of activities at the University of Pennsylvania

WHEN:Wednesday, Feb. 16 & Wednesday, Feb. 23

Mock trial classes held 11 a.m.-noon

Communiversity Day 9:15 a.m. 2:30 p.m.

WHERE:University of Pennsylvania Law School

Silverman Hall

Room S245

34th and Chestnut streets

This year Communiversity Day gives students a taste of what it like to be in law school as they meet with admissions officials, tour the library and even get to take part in a mock trial class.

Note:  Students will be at lunch and touring the library from noon 1:15 p.m.