Penn Names New Vice Provost and Director of Libraries

H. Carton Rogers III named Vice Provost and Director of Libraries at the University of Pennsylvania

July 20, 2004

PHILADELPHIA - H. Carton Rogers, III, has been named Vice Provost and Director of Libraries at the University of Pennsylvania, Penn President Amy Gutmann and Provost Robert Barchi have announced.  Rogers has been serving in an interim capacity since April 2003.

Rogers will be responsible, under the Provost's direction, for planning, acquiring, managing and preserving the knowledge and informational resources that support Penn's instructional and research programs. The Vice Provost and Director of Libraries has responsibility for 14 centrally administered libraries on campus (excluding Law), the Center for Judaic Studies Library in downtown Philadelphia as well as the rapidly growing "16th" library - Penn's Digital Library on the World Wide Web.  Rogers also represents Penn's interest in national and regional library consortia, such as the Research Libraries Group, the Coalition for Networked Information and the Association of Research Libraries, that enhance scholarly access to information, and advocate libraries in public and government arenas.

"Carton has demonstrated the broad vision as well as the depth of knowledge necessary to move our library system forward in this technology-driven environment," Gutmann said.  "Our library system is central to our teaching and research missions, and we are particularly gratified that we have been able to conclude our national search by recognizing one of the very talented and dedicated professionals we have within the Penn community." Rogers had previously been the Patricia and Bernard Goldstein Director of Information Processing at the Library, and acting director of collections development and management. He was inducted into Penn's 25 Year-Club in 2000 and has worked at the Library since coming to Penn in October 1975.

"Carton has done a superb job as Interim Director," Barchi said. "He has earned the confidence of the staff and will provide the vision and the skill which the library will need as it faces the challenges of the upcoming decade."

Rogers first position at Penn was as head of reference and technical services at the Biomedical Library and then he became the senior business officer for the University Library, 1979-1985.  Rogers received his B.A. in history at Marietta College, Marietta, OH in 1970. He then earned his M.L.S. at Drexel University in 1973.