Greg Johnson

Managing Editor

Greg Johnson covers Penn Athletics and Recreation, which includes sports teams, intramural sports, and the Penn Relays. He manages the annual Research at Penn publication, which highlights notable research from all 12 schools at Penn.

The anatomy of the Confederacy defeat

The Confederate States of America (formed in 1861 when 11 Southern states voted to secede from the United States) fought an uphill battle in waging war against the more industrial and populous North. But they also had to combat a mutiny from within, with enslaved African Americans and white women raging against the Confederacy.

Greg Johnson

Student Spotlight with Kevin Conley

WHIZ KID: A self-proclaimed computer hacker, Kevin Conley, 21, a senior in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, has developed a social networking application called SMSPersonFinder

Greg Johnson

A century of global hospitality

Officially known as the “City of Brotherly Love,” Philadelphia is also a city of firsts. The first brick house in America was built here in 1682. The first American flag on record was sewn here in 1777. The first U.S. Congress met here in 1789, and the world’s first International House opened here in 1910.

Greg Johnson

Does Penn sponsor any travel to Cuba?

Dear Benny,In January, President Obama reduced travel restrictions to Cuba. Part of this easing involved allowing accredited institutions of higher education to sponsor travel to Cuba for course work for academic credit under a general license. I was wondering, does Penn sponsor any travel to Cuba?-History Will Absolve Me

Greg Johnson

Q&A with David L. Cohen

Through the years, Philadelphians have used a number of different adjectives and phrases to describe one of the city’s most high-profile and powerful adopted sons, David L.

Greg Johnson

Wharton helps NFL players stay financially fit

Sports Illustrated reports that by the time former NFL players have been retired for two years, 78 percent have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress because of joblessness or divorce. A plethora of players, who once earned millions of dollars, find themselves broke or in severe debt.

Greg Johnson