Scholarship beyond the written word

Ethnomusicologist Juan Castrillón, the inaugural Gilbert Seldes Multimodal Postdoctoral Fellow at the Annenberg School for Communication, is on a quest to get other academics to see multimedia work as he does: on par with scholarly text.

Michele W. Berger , Julie Sloane

Moving away from ‘average,’ toward the individual

In a course from Annenberg’s David Lydon-Staley, seven graduate students conducted single-participant experiments. This approach, what’s known as an “n of 1,” may better capture the nuances of a diverse population than randomized control trials can.

Michele W. Berger , Julie Sloane

A pandemic year, in photos

‘Apart Together,’ a new photography exhibit at the Annenberg School, shows that despite not being physically in the same place the past 18 months, our shared experiences kept us connected.

Michele W. Berger , Julie Sloane

How did echo chambers influence the 2020 election?

Research from the Annenberg School for Communication shows that people are consuming news from more diverse sources, but many don’t consume any news at all. It’s too soon to tell what role that played in the recent race for president.

Michele W. Berger , Julie Sloane