
One step closer to a clinical fix for the side effects of monovision

Monovision counters the deterioration of the ability to see up close but also causes dramatic visual distortions. New research confirms that a solution that successfully works with trial lenses—the special lenses used by eye doctors—also succeeds with contact lenses.

Michele W. Berger

Creative storytelling through TimeSlips

Through the TimeSlips program at the Penn Memory Center, older individuals are engaged through visual prompts to not just remember, but engage creatively with stimuli.

From Penn Memory Center

Crowd-sourcing optogenetics data to tackle neurological diseases

The specialized field of neuroscience, optogenetics, shows clinical promise for conditions like epilepsy and Parkinson’s. But before human trials can get fully underway, the field must better understand a crucial intermediate step, aided by 45 labs in nine countries sharing information.

Michele W. Berger

Localizing epilepsy ‘hotspots’

Student interns worked this summer with the Davis Lab in the Penn Epilepsy Center to research improvements to epilepsy diagnosis using the tools of machine learning and network analysis.

Brandon Baker

Researchers discover a rare genetic form of dementia

A buildup of tau protein in parts of the brain helped Edward Lee, an assistant professor of pathology and laboratory medicine, and other Penn scientists uncover this new form of dementia.

Melissa Moody

MTL deterioration can lead to impulsive decisions

A study highlighting episodic memory and decision making finds that individual differences in decision making are driven by episodic memory function, and that a deteriorating medial temporal lobe may impact the ability to delay gratification.

From Penn Memory Center

In the News


Man does DNA test, not prepared for what comes back ‘unusually high’

César de la Fuente of the School of Engineering and Applied Science and Perelman School of Medicine says that Neanderthal DNA provides insights into human evolution, population dynamics, and genetic adaptations, including correlations with traits such as immunity and susceptibility to diseases.


Associated Press

A new strategy to attack aggressive brain cancer shrank tumors in two early tests

A clinical trial led by Stephen Bagley of the Perelman School of Medicine suggests that targeting two associated proteins with CAR T cell therapy could be a viable strategy for shrinking brain tumors.


Daily Mail (U.K.)

ADHD may have evolved more than 12,000 years ago as an advantage for foragers, study claims

A study led by David Barack of the Perelman School of Medicine suggests that ADHD may have played a major role in foraging and survival for ancient hunter-gatherers.


The Wall Street Journal

How to stay mentally sharp into your 80s and beyond

According to David Wolk of the Perelman School of Medicine, a healthier body can help the brain respond better to the aging process.



Blood tests can help diagnose Alzheimer’s—if they’re accurate enough. Not all are

Virginia Man-Yee Lee of the Perelman School of Medicine says it’s likely in the future that anyone older than 60 will get an Alzheimer’s test.


The Economist

Some scientists think newborn neurons could reverse Alzheimer’s

Research co-authored by Hongjun Song of the Perelman School of Medicine strengthens the case for human neurogenesis, the development of new neurons from neural progenitor cells.