
Four academic journeys explored

Vijay Balasubramanian and Tukufu Zuberi in the School of Arts & Sciences, Amy Hillier in the School of Social Policy & Practice, and Brittany Watson in the School of Veterinary Medicine share their academic paths toward interdisciplinary work.

Kristina García

Making virtual worlds

In a class this spring, Jeffrey Vadala of the Penn Brain Science Center taught students to analyze virtual reality landscapes and create their own.

Erica Moser

Fruitful insights on the brain

Research led by China Byrns of the lab of Nancy M. Bonini in the School of Arts & Sciences have uncovered new details about the role of zombie-like cells in brain aging, using the fruit fly as a model.

Nathi Magubane

More than two hearts beat as one

PIK Professor Michael Platt and collaborators studied how physiologic measures like cardiac synchrony can guide decision making in groups. Their study found that heart rate synchrony was a much better predictor than standard questionnaire-based surveys.

Nathi Magubane

In the News


A detailed look at children’s brains might show how sex and gender are different, new study says

A study co-authored by Dani S. Bassett of the School of Engineering and Applied Science finds that sex and gender map onto largely distinct parts of the brain.


The Washington Post

Watching Biden, many see the heartbreaking indignities of aging

Jason Karlawish of the Perelman School of Medicine says that a debate inherently tests an individual’s cognitive abilities of attention, concentration, multitasking, working memory, and language.



Man does DNA test, not prepared for what comes back ‘unusually high’

César de la Fuente of the School of Engineering and Applied Science and Perelman School of Medicine says that Neanderthal DNA provides insights into human evolution, population dynamics, and genetic adaptations, including correlations with traits such as immunity and susceptibility to diseases.


Associated Press

A new strategy to attack aggressive brain cancer shrank tumors in two early tests

A clinical trial led by Stephen Bagley of the Perelman School of Medicine suggests that targeting two associated proteins with CAR T cell therapy could be a viable strategy for shrinking brain tumors.


Daily Mail (U.K.)

ADHD may have evolved more than 12,000 years ago as an advantage for foragers, study claims

A study led by David Barack of the Perelman School of Medicine suggests that ADHD may have played a major role in foraging and survival for ancient hunter-gatherers.


The Wall Street Journal

How to stay mentally sharp into your 80s and beyond

According to David Wolk of the Perelman School of Medicine, a healthier body can help the brain respond better to the aging process.