School of Veterinary Medicine

One tiny dog’s outsized contribution to brain surgery

A terrier mix makes history as the first patient to undergo canine neurosurgery in a collaborative effort of specialists in human and veterinary medicine using cutting-edge augmented reality technology and infrared imaging.

Sacha Adorno

What’s That? Black squirrels

Penn Today spoke to Sarah Tomke in the School of Veterinary Medicine’s Wildlife Futures Program about the black squirrels regularly seen on College Green. They are black because of a genetic mutation in the melanin receptor protein, which regulates pigment.

Louisa Shepard

Q&A with Penn Vet’s Karen Verderame

Verderame, an outreach educator at the School of Veterinary Medicine, discusses her kinship with misunderstood animals, introducing students to veterinary medicine, the black market for insects, her favorite part of her job, and the dreaded spotted lanternfly.

Greg Johnson

The draw of internal medicine at Penn Vet

At Penn Vet, internal medicine and specialty sections, including ultrasound and cardiology, diagnostic pathology, and radiology, work together to provide the most efficient information and the highest level of care for a patient.

From Penn Vet

In the News

Huffington Post

13 changes veterinarians would never ignore in their dogs

Katie Krebs of the School of Veterinary Medicine offers advice on observing breathing problems in cats and dogs.


Huffington Post

Thirteen subtle changes veterinarians would never ignore in their cats

Kaitlyn Krebs of the School of Veterinary Medicine says that cats can indicate illness through behavioral changes such as hiding or spending time in unusual places.


WESA Radio (Pittsburgh)

Migratory birds mainly responsible for bird flu outbreak, experts tell Pa. lawmakers

Louise Moncla of the School of Veterinary Medicine says that avian flu viruses are being spread far geographically because of wild migratory birds.


The New York Times

Why do women live longer than men?

Montserrat Anguera of the School of Veterinary Medicine says that epigenetic factors like climate or chronic stress may also play a role in life span, widening or shrinking the disparities between men and women.


WHYY (Philadelphia)

Are cats at risk of bird flu? What pet owners can do to protect their cats

Stephen Cole of the School of Veterinary Medicine says that avian flu is risky and fairly fatal for cats, though the number of documented feline cases has so far been low.