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Erica Moser

Science News Officer
  • 215-898-6751
  • Portrait of Science News Office, Erica Moser
    Articles from Erica Moser
    Bringing together passions for nursing, community, and policy
    Charlotte Brown in front of historic nursing photo display.


    Bringing together passions for nursing, community, and policy

    Charlotte Brown recalls a childhood climbing up and falling out of trees, picking blueberries in the mountains and currants in the woods, and paddling down her backyard creek on snow sleds with her three younger brothers—“lots of just being outside, being happy, being rained on,” she says.
    Dolores Albarracín honored with BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award
    Dolores Albarracin.

    Image: Kyle Cassidy/Annenberg School for Communication

    Dolores Albarracín honored with BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award

    Albarracín, a PIK Professor with appointments in the Annenberg School for Communication and School of Arts & Sciences, is being recognized for increasing “our understanding of how attitudes can be changed, particularly with regard to persuasive messages.”
    Expanding on a legacy of heart health education
    Taylor Brothers, Aravind Krishnan, and Rashmi Acharya at Project HERO workshop.

    At a recent Project HERO workshop at one of SHOP’s partner sites, Aravind Krishan, center, gave a brief presentation on heart health and Taylor Brothers, left, gave a CPR demo.


    Expanding on a legacy of heart health education

    Fourth-year Aravind Krishnan, the inaugural Sarah Katz Award recipient, is working to help shelter residents in Philadelphia better monitor their health.
    Task force recommendations for economic prosperity and national security
    Scientist works on tablet computer in a lab.

    Image: Hinterhaus Productions via Getty Images

    Task force recommendations for economic prosperity and national security

    Dean Antonia M. Villarruel of Penn Nursing and Kathleen Hall Jamieson of the Annenberg Public Policy Center are on the Vision for American Science and Technology task force that devised the policy recommendations.
    Balancing renewable energy development and land protection
    Jonathan Thompson, Andrew M. Hoffman, and Grace Wu on stage.

    University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine Dean Andrew M. Hoffman, center, moderated a discussion with Jonathan Thompson and Grace Wu on tradeoffs in land use for renewable energy.

    (Image: Ashley Hinton/Penn Vet)

    Balancing renewable energy development and land protection

    In an Energy Week event, Grace Wu and Jonathan Thompson provided perspectives on tradeoffs in land use from their work in California and Massachusetts.
    Looking to the past to understand the impacts of human land use in South Asia
    R. Ramesh adjusts measuring tape at archaeological site.

    R. Ramesh, assisting superintending archaeologist at the Archaeological Survey of India, adjusted a measuring tape at an archaeological site in India before he and Penn's Kathleen Morrison took samples for paleoenvironmental analysis from a Neolithic (3000-1200 BCE) deposit. 

    (Image: Courtesy of Kathleen Morrison)

    Looking to the past to understand the impacts of human land use in South Asia

    An international group of scholars, including archaeologists from the School of Arts & Sciences, synthesized archaeological evidence in South Asia from 12,000 and 6,000 years ago.
    Fifth Energy Week to bring Penn community together around solutions
    Angela Pachon and Danny Cullenward at 2024 Energy Week event.

    As part of Energy Week in 2024, Kleinman Center for Energy Policy Research Director Angela Pachon moderated a discussion with Kleinman Center Senior Fellow Danny Cullenward on decarbonizing the industrial sector.

    (Image: T. Kevin Birch)

    Fifth Energy Week to bring Penn community together around solutions

    More than two dozen events held Feb. 10-14 will give students, faculty, and staff an opportunity to learn about energy-related research and work at Penn and beyond.
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