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Q&A on the German election results
The dome of a building is visible on the left. To the right, a striped black, red and yellow flag is flying on a pole. An inscription on the building reads: “Dem Deutschen Volke,” or “To the German People.”

The German flag flies in front of the Reichstag building the day after the German Bundestag elections were held.

(Image: Christophe Gateau/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images)

Q&A on the German election results

Kristen Ghodsee of the Department of Russian and East European Studies discusses the outcome of the German parliamentary elections and the implications for Europe’s future.
A conversation with Board Chair Ramanan Raghavendran
Ramanan Raghavendran engages in conversation at a conference table.

University of Pennsylvania Board of Trustees Chair Ramanan Raghavendran.


A conversation with Board Chair Ramanan Raghavendran

One year since becoming the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Raghavendran discusses Penn’s advancements from the past year, the purpose of a values statement, and Penn’s strengths as a cultivator of American leadership.
Q&A: Dean Kumar and the ‘drone’ sightings
Picture of a drone flying lit nighttime cityscape

For more than a month, residents in New Jersey, parts of Pennsylvania, and New York have spotted unidentified flying objects, which local residents refer to as “drones,” hovering over neighborhoods, critical infrastructure and even restricted sites. To learn more about the mysterious flying objects, Penn Today spoke with local expert Dean Vijay Kumar of the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

(Image: Courtesy of iStock/Naypong)

Q&A: Dean Kumar and the ‘drone’ sightings

Penn Engineering Dean Vijay Kumar discusses the mysterious flying objects, or “drones,” hovering around parts of the East Coast.
South Korea crisis, explained
A crowd of people are gathered in a public square, facing left, holding candles and carrying signs in a vigil calling for the South Korean president’s resignation.

People gather in Seoul, South Korea, for a candlelight vigil to call for President Yoon Suk Yeol’s resignation on Dec. 4, following his short-lived martial law declaration.

(Image: Kyodo via AP Images)

South Korea crisis, explained

South Korea plunged into a state of national crisis this week over a six-hour martial law declaration by President Yoon Suk Yeol. Roiled by his own sinking popularity and now facing an impeachment inquiry, Yoon’s political future is now on the line.
A Q&A with the director of the Penn Center for AIDS Research
Four people in front of National AIDS Memorial Quilt.

Penn researchers affiliated with the Penn Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) attended AIDS Walk Philly in October 2024. Pictured with the National AIDS Memorial Quilt are Deratu Ahmed, a first-year epidemiology doctoral student studying pharmacogenetics related to HIV and tuberculosis in Botswana; Dominique Medaglio, a fourth-year epidemiology doctoral student studying ways to encourage smoking cessation for people with HIV in the United States; CFAR co-director Robert Gross, professor of medicine and epidemiology in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Penn Medicine; and CFAR director Ronald Collman, professor of medicine and microbiology.

(Image: Courtesy of Ronald G. Collman)

A Q&A with the director of the Penn Center for AIDS Research

Ronald G. Collman talks about the current state of AIDS care, work with the City of Philadelphia, and how the Center is supporting collaborations across campus.
A Q&A with Penn’s Latin American Studies Librarian
Brie Gettleson leans her elbow on a shelf in the library stacks

Brie Gettleson, Latin American studies librarian in the Center for Global Collections, is now offering office hours at the Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies.


A Q&A with Penn’s Latin American Studies Librarian

Brie Gettleson speaks about her role as a subject librarian with the Penn Libraries and liaison for the Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies.

Kristina García

Teaching and learning abroad in Vietnam
Group of students and professor pose for a photo in front of a restaurant.

Professor of history Fred Dickinson (back, right) with his students in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

(Image: Courtesy of Fred Dickinson)

Teaching and learning abroad in Vietnam

In a Q&A, Fred Dickinson of the Department of History discusses his semester as a Fulbright U.S. Scholar in Vietnam and building out Southeast Asian studies at Penn.
Public opinion research in changing times
A graph indicating public opinion polling.

Image: Ikon Images via AP Images

Public opinion research in changing times

In a Q&A, William Marble of the Penn Program on Opinion Research and Election Studies talks about how PORES has had to adjust to the series of rapidly changing events in the presidential race and to longer-standing shifts in public opinion research methodologies.