Inside Penn

In brief, what’s happening at Penn—whether it’s across campus or around the world.

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  • The auto bailout 10 years later: Was it the right call?

    Wharton's John Paul MacDuffie discusses the GM and Chrysler $80 billion bailouts in 2009, and whether the consequences of the free market or the government should have determined the future of a failing company with 3 million of jobs at risk.

    FULL STORY AT Knowledge at Wharton

  • Housing and mortgage markets may have recovered, but risks remain

    Experts at Wharton point to evidence that the decade-long period of economic recovery is at risk: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lack the reserves to weather another crisis, a round of mortgage defaults may be looming, and regulatory oversight have weakened under the Trump administration.

    FULL STORY AT Knowledge at Wharton

  • Penn GSE receives grant to train STEM teachers for high-needs schools

    A new partnership with the Woodrow Wilson Pennsylvania Teaching Fellowship will allow Fellows to receive a stipend, training and mentoring in a three-year program, supported by the William Penn Foundation and the Weiss Family Foundation, to prepare and support STEM teachers working in high-needs urban and rural schools.

    FULL STORY AT Graduate School of Education

  • Sprint football hosts successful alumni game

    The University of Pennsylvania sprint football team welcomed back alums from years past to the annual alumni game on Saturday to kick off its 2018 season. 

    FULL STORY AT Penn Athletics

  • Penn Medicine researchers receive “Big Data” grant from NIH to test new approach for personalized breast cancer treatments

    Despina Kontos, an associate professor of radiology, and Lewis A. Chodosh, chair of Cancer Biology and associate director of the Abramson Cancer Center, have received a five-year, $4 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop tailored treatment options for breast cancer patients.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Penn Nursing study highlights rapid weight gain during infancy as possible risk factor for later obesity in children with autism

    A new study from Penn Nursing, published in the journal Autism, shows that children with autism spectrum disorder have the highest frequency of rapid weight gain during the first six months of life, which may put them at increased risk for childhood obesity.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Nursing News

  • Behavioral health: fad teatment methods, exposure therapy, and the importance of data

    While fad approaches to mental health definitely have a way of resurfacing, these tactics, while research continues to be done to evaluate their effectiveness, are still a little lacking when compared to other methods.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Reinventing museums for the digital generation

    Penn Museum Director Julian Siggers talks about how the institution uses digital tools and strategies to showcase its treasures, bringing in more foot traffic and a new generation of museum-goers.

    FULL STORY AT Knowledge at Wharton

  • Neil C. Tomson receives National Institutes of Health grant

    The assistant professor of chemistry has been awarded the Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award for Early Stage Investigators grant. The five-year, $1.6 million grant supports Tomson’s research on electrostatic effects in model compounds of metalloenzyme active sites.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Arts & Sciences

  • NAFTA 2.0: What will it mean for trade?

    Wharton's Mauro Guillen discusess the Trump administration's efforts to renegotiate NAFTA, facing resistance from Canada while solidifying an agreement with Mexico.

    FULL STORY AT Knowledge at Wharton