Inside Penn

In brief, what’s happening at Penn—whether it’s across campus or around the world.

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  • The ‘warming effect’ of DACA on American children

    A study co-authored by a Penn medical ethics and health policy professor found that children of mothers with DACA status are more likely to receive critical social services, showing a positive effect overall for favorable immigration policies.

    FULL STORY AT Leonard Davis Institute

  • CHIBE combats the opioid crisis, one ‘nudge’ at a time

    Experts at the Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics are combining psychology and economics with clinical expertise to understand why individuals make certain health-related decisions. CHIBE will use its findings to advance policy, improve health care, and encourage healthy patient behavior in an effort to curb prescription opioid misuse.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Is a bank regulation rollback in consumers’ best interest?

    With the passage of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act, smaller community banks will enjoy less oversight on consolidation with other banks, but may end up being less responsive to the communities they serve. 

    FULL STORY AT Knowledge at Wharton

  • Innovation tournament targets mental health clinicians across Philadelphia

    The “IDEA Gala” tournament gathered submissions from 55 local clinicians for solutions to mental health organizations to better provide mental health services to vulnerable communities in Philadelphia.

    FULL STORY AT Leonard Davis Institute

  • Dolan, Pflaumbaum named regional coaches of the year

    The women's track and field director and assistant coach were awarded with the honors by the United States Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association following the Quakers' first outdoor Ivy League Heptagonal title since 1988.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Athletics

  • Hearts, minds and money: maximizing charitable giving

    Wharton professor Deborah Small examines effective altruism versus maximizing the value of individuals’ charitable dollars, and how choosing charities may be more of an emotional rather than rational selection.

    FULL STORY AT Knowledge at Wharton

  • Words matter: how lyrics help songs top the charts

    Marketing professors discuss the paper “Are Atypical Songs More Popular?”, which reports on a study using natural language processing to analyze the lyrics of hundreds of songs in order to determine whether the lyrics affect a song's popularity. 

    FULL STORY AT Knowledge at Wharton

  • Respecting pronouns in the classroom

    By asking students their pronouns starting at a young age, educators can make room for students who may be exploring their gender identity, and show everyone that gender identity should not be assumed.

    FULL STORY AT Graduate School of Education

  • Conflicting guidance on opioids for cancer pain management

    Penn Nursing and Penn Medicine call for more consistent guidelines for prescribing opioids for optimal cancer-related pain management and avoiding misuse, in response to some CDC guideline recommendations that are inconsistent with the long-standing cancer pain guidelines.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Nursing News

  • Joseph S. Francisco named President’s Distinguished Professor of Earth and Environmental Science

    Francisco is an internationally recognized scholar of atmospheric chemistry and chemical kinetics, with a secondary appointment in the Department of Chemistry, on July 1, 2018. 

    FULL STORY AT Penn Arts & Sciences