Inside Penn

In brief, what’s happening at Penn—whether it’s across campus or around the world.

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  • Nikhil Anand to become first associate faculty director of CASI

    The associate professor of anthropology, became the first associate faculty director of the Center for the Advanced Study of India on July 1.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Arts & Sciences

  • What machine learning reveals about forming a healthy habit

    Contrary to popular belief, behaviors don’t become habits after a “magic number” of days. Wharton’s Katy Milkman shares what machine learning is teaching scientists about habit formation.

    FULL STORY AT Knowledge at Wharton

  • A culture of inclusion at Penn Medicine during LGBTQ+ Pride month and all year long

    At this year’s 2023 Philadelphia LGBTQ+ Pride march, staff from across the University of Pennsylvania Health System, along with their friends, families, and neighbors—nearly 30 people in all—participated to celebrate the Philadelphia LGBTQ+ community and reaffirm Penn Medicine’s commitment to health equity, representation, and support for queer individuals who are employed by or receive care across the Health System.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Yu Zhang recognized by the International Association for Dental Research for research, innovation

    The professor in the Department of Preventive & Restorative Sciences, has been awarded the 2023 IADR DMG Peyton-Skinner Award for his outstanding contributions to innovation in dental materials.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Dental Medicine

  • An update to the Penn community on Tomorrow, Together from President Magill

    Last October, Penn President Liz Magill charged the Red and Blue Advisory Committee of faculty, staff, and student leaders to hear from all corners of our Penn community; to be forward-looking and bold; and to consider where we, together, might take Penn. The Committee members, led by Provost John L. Jackson, Jr., collated and condensed all they heard from our Penn community and recently reported their findings to the President.

    FULL STORY AT Tomorrow, Together

  • Penn Engineering’s GRASP Lab helps lead $5 million effort to accelerate robotics research

    Researchers at the School of Engineering and Applied Science are partnering with investigators at Oregon State University, as well as Semio, a Los Angeles-based software company that specializes in robotics applications, on a $5 million National Science Foundation effort to accelerate human-robotic-interface research by designing a standardized humanoid robot to distribute to the scientific community.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Engineering Today

  • Diversity at work: Creating psychological safety in the workplace

    Wharton professor Ingrid Nembhard examines why minority employees can be afraid of speaking up at work.

    FULL STORY AT Knowledge at Wharton

  • City of Philadelphia honors Penn Dental Dean for service to individuals with disabilities

    Mark S. Wolff, Penn Dental Medicine’s Morton Amsterdam Dean, was honored by the City of Philadelphia for his service to individuals with disabilities as a 2023 recipient of the “My City, My Place” Brighter Futures Awards

    FULL STORY AT Penn Dental Medicine

  • Weitzman faculty, staff, and alums at United Nations Habitat Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya

    The international convening of the highest decision-making body on sustainable urbanization and human settlements in the world, convened from June 5-9 in Nairobi, Kenya. Eugenie L. Birch, Nussdorf Professor of Urban Research and Education at Weitzman and co-director of the Penn Institute for Urban Research gave input on 10 resolutions that were ultimately approved by the UNHA.

    FULL STORY AT Weitzman School of Design

  • Tweets from emergency medicine clinicians during COVID-19 reveal mental distress

    LDI senior fellows Anish K. Agarwal and Sharath Chandra Guntuku discuss a study that finds the Surgeon General’s “epidemic of loneliness” has hit emergency physicians.

    FULL STORY AT Leonard Davis Institute