Inside Penn

In brief, what’s happening at Penn—whether it’s across campus or around the world.

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  • Turning 45? Time to screen for colon cancer

    In recent years, multiple medical societies, including the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and the American Cancer Society, lowered the recommended age for when screenings should begin from 50 to 45 for people of average risk.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Penn research finds psoriasis medication Apremilast leads to fat loss in people with psoriasis

    A new study shows that apremilast could also help people with psoriasis shed unhealthy body fat and therefore improve cardiovascular health, a well-known vulnerability for those with psoriasis.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Researchers aim to use AI to predict rare diseases

    Penn Medicine researchers will help lead development of an algorithm to flag patients at risk of rare disease, thanks to a $4.7 million NIH grant.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Penn study identifies new prognostic biomarker for heart failure

    A new study co-led by researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine finds that bloodstream levels of a protein fragment called endotrophin can be used to predict outcomes in patients with a common form of heart failure.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Perelman School of Medicine launches leading palliative care curriculum

    The new four-year curriculum aims is innovative approach to teaching students how to effectively communicate with, support, and care for patients with serious illness through simulation-based learning.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Biochemist Kathy Fange Liu is driven to push RNA research boundaries

    The assistant professor of biochemistry and biophysics and principal investigator of the Kathy Liu Lab in the Perelman School of Medicine specifically studies enzymes that modify RNA in the body’s cells that can impact human disease.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • CHOP and Penn Medicine launch Kidney Innovation Center

    Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and Penn Medicine are jointly launching the Penn-CHOP Kidney Innovation Center to enhance collaboration between the institutions and transform patient care through a cooperative approach to precision medicine.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Penn Medicine selected for federal racial equity in postpartum care program

    An innovative postpartum preeclampsia prevention intervention created by Perelman School of Medicine physicians Adi Hirshberg and Sindhu Srinivas, Maternal Mortality Prevention Innovation, has received a Department of Health and Human Services Racial Equity in Postpartum Care Challenge Award.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Scientists are on the trail of a treatment for traumatic memories

    A Penn study finds that inhibiting a key enzyme alleviates fear-memory behavior associated with traumatic memories, and maybe used to treat disorders such as PTSD.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Inflation Reduction Act includes fix for issues with Medicare Part D design first proposed by Penn team

    One key part of the Inflation Reduction Act is the section on the changes to the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit design. This section fixes issues with the Medicare Part D design that were highlighted by a team at Penn led by professor of medicine and CHIBE associate director Jalpa Doshi.

    FULL STORY AT Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics