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Penn Libraries to Host Digital Humanities Conference
WHO: University of Pennsylvania Libraries and PhillyDH WHAT: PhillyDH@Penn, a digital humanities, participant-led conference WHEN: Friday, June 20, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.WHERE: Van Pelt Library Locust Walk, near 34th Street 6th Floor
Archive ・ Spotlights
Penn: A Year in Pictures 2013-14
This year, Penn’s impact was felt in ways big and small, from West Philadelphia to across the globe, from Convocation to Commencement.
Archive ・ Penn News
The University of Pennsylvania Announces Gift to Name the Home of the Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology
The Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania and the School of Engineering and Applied Science are pleased to announce a gift of $7.5 million to name the home of the Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology (M&T Program). This generous contribution from Larry Robbins, ENG’92, W’92, will fund a full renovation of the historic building and create a permanent endowed fund to support its operations and maintenance in perpetuity.
Archive ・ Penn News
2012 Portfolio by Penn’s Terry Adkins Reconsidered Through Exhibition
Following the death in February of the University of Pennsylvania’s Terry Adkins, a fine arts professor in the School of Design, Matt Neff, found a way to pay tribute his former colleague in a special way. This spring Neff, a lecturer in PennDesign, arranged for some of Adkins’ work to be shown as a concurrent exhibition to his own show at The Print Center in Philadelphia. Adkins’ 2012 portfolio “The Philadelphia Negro Reconsidered” is currently featured on the ground floor of the Center, where Neff’s, “Second Sight,” is on view in the second floor galleries.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Study: Massive Open Online Courses Not a Threat to Traditional Business Schools
Data from a University of Pennsylvania study of massive open online courses offered by Penn’s Wharton School suggest that MOOCs aren’t a threat to traditional business programs, but rather an opportunity to expand to underserved markets. The findings were published today in the Harvard Business Review.
Archive ・ Penn News
University of Pennsylvania Establishes Penn Center for Innovation
President Amy Gutmann today announced the launch of the Penn Center for Innovation, a new initiative that will provide the infrastructure, leadership and resources needed to transfer promising Penn inventions, know-how and related assets into the marketplace for the public good.
Archive ・ Penn News
Practicing What She Teaches, Penn Alum Is Award-winning Film Editor
When the winners of the 2013 Peabody Awards for excellence in broadcasting were announced late last month, Nancy Novack, a University of Pennsylvania alum and a lecturer of fine arts in the School of Design, had cause to celebrate. A film series she edited, the PBS TV documentary “The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross with Henry Louis Gates Jr.” won a Peabody.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Medicine Study Finds Marijuana Use May Impair Sleep Quality
A new study from researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania suggests that marijuana use may be associated with impaired sleep quality, especially in people who have been using the drug since their teenage years. The research abstract was published recently in an online supplement of the journal Sleep and will be presented at SLEEP 2014, the 28th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Medicine Researchers Investigate Worry and Behavior Among Teens at Higher Risk for Breast Cancer
Teenage girls with a familial or genetic risk for breast cancer worry more about getting the disease, even when their mother has no history, compared to girls their age with no known high risks, according to new data presented today by researchers from Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago (Abstract #9527).
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Medicine Research Reveals Suicides Are Far More Likely to Occur After Midnight
A new study by researchers at Penn Medicine is the first to reveal that suicides are far more likely to occur between midnight and 4 a.m. than during the daytime or evening. The research abstract was published recently in an online supplement of the journal Sleep and will be presented at SLEEP 2014, the 28th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC.