Bookquick/“The Graduate School Funding Handbook, Second Edition”

“The Graduate School Funding Handbook, Second Edition” illuminates the competitive world of graduate school funding. Covering programs in the arts and sciences and engineering, it is an invaluable resource for undergraduate and graduate students who seek information about applying to graduate school in the United States or abroad, at the master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral levels.

Written by April Vahle Hamel, an associate dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Washington University in St.Louis, in cooperation with Mary Morris Heiberger, associate director of Career Services at Penn, and Julia Miller Vick, graduate career counselor at Career Services, this new edition contains much updated material and the latest grant information. The authors include detailed descriptions of the types of funding offered graduate students, ranging from tuition scholarships to assistantships, work-study opportunities, and university loan programs. In addition, the handbook thoroughly covers the availability of nationally prominent grants and fellowships through the federal government and private organizations.

Spanning fellowships and grants for individual training, study abroad, research, dissertations and postdoctoral work, the book includes useful addresses, deadlines, number of available awards, number of applicants, purpose of grants and restrictions, duration of awards, applicant eligibility, and application requirements. The information is comprehensive, detailed and based on data from funding agencies through interviews, review of application packets, web site information and the authors’ many years of experience in the field.

—University of Pennsylvania Press

The Graduate School Funding Handbook, Second Edition