Dialogue begins

“We have begun to have conversations with members of our community on issues of great importance to all of us, and we intend to continue the dialogue.” So said President Judith Rodin and Provost Robert Barchi in a statement they issued following the Penn Police Department’s release of the final investigation report on an altercation at Campus Copy that led to a campus-wide discussion on race and violence.

Graduate student Gregory Seaton, an African-American, charged in a widely circulated e-mail that he received poor service because of his race and was then assaulted by Campus Copy employees; Campus Copy’s Ron Shapiro denied racist intent and said he was assaulted by Seaton. “Each complainant believes the other party assaulted him first,” the police report stated. With no evidence of intent to harm and no serious injuries, police made no arrests.

Rodin and Barchi pledged to take several actions including: increasing cultural training for resident and graduate advisors, reviewing New Student Orientation’s diversity initiatives, and having the Division of Business Services develop a code of conduct for vendors.