Does Penn offer summer programs for kids?
Dear Benny:
I have four children, ages 8 to 17. The school year is nearly over and I want to know—does Penn have any summer programs for children?
—Daddy Daycare
Dear Daddy Daycare,
Do your older kids like the TV show “Lost?”
If so, they may want to check out Penn’s Summer Experimental Physics Research Academy, held July 5 to Aug. 1. Led by members of Penn’s Department of Physics and Astronomy and other experts outside the University, this program combines in-depth lectures and discussions on mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum dynamics and astrophysics with hands-on experiments to measure the speed of light and a field trip to an amusement park to study the physics of rides using electronic data-logging devices. (There was no word on whether Daniel Faraday will show up to discuss time travel.) For more information, visit Applications will be accepted through June 1 and may only be submitted online at
Kids not science lovers? Then how about PennDesign’s intensive studio program in art and architecture, also held July 5 to Aug. 1. Students in the program choose courses in animation, drawing, filmmaking, painting, photography or sculpture and work with Penn faculty to experiment with new disciplines and improve existing skills. For more information, visit
If your youngest child is a fan of “Dora the Explorer,” he or she may enjoy the Penn Museum’s Anthropologists in the Making camp, held June 22 to Aug. 14, for ages 7 through 13. Through tours, arts and crafts, games and theatrics, treasure hunts, and special guest performances, children will uncover the secrets of the past. For more information, visit
For more information on all Penn summer programs, visit
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