Inside Penn

In brief, what’s happening at Penn—whether it’s across campus or around the world.

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  • Food for the body and soul

    Community members who are served by Chester County Hospital have been donating meals for hospital staff during the COVID-19 crisis.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • New fellowship from Wharton School provides full tuition for outstanding LGBTQIA+ MBA student

    Colan Wang of Toronto, Ontario is the recipient of the inaugural Prism Fellowship, which recognizes an outstanding MBA student who is both a member of and demonstrates leadership in support of the LGBTQIA+ community. 

    FULL STORY AT Wharton

  • Three lessons learned from COVID-19

    Penn Medicine is shaping a “new normal” from the pandemic, taking action and fighting for the health and well-being of the community it serves, accelerating the pace of innovation, and ensuring the safety and mental health of employees and patients.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • President’s Innovation Prize winner Strella Biotechnology raises $3.3 million in seed funding

    Last year, Strella Biotechnology received $100,000 of financial support, a $50,000 living stipend for both awardees, and a year of dedicated co-working and lab space at the Pennovation Center. Now, it has $3.3 million on hand as it attempts to take its technology into retail stores.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Engineering

  • Gene therapy program at Penn Medicine joins AAVCOVID vaccine project

    The program, led by James M. Wilson, a leading expert in the technology platform used in the experimental vaccine, will conduct preclinical studies in joint research and development project with Massachusetts Eye and Ear and Massachusetts General Hospital.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Penn Wharton Budget Model estimates effects of the coronavirus on Social Security

    The ongoing coronavirus pandemic will have long-term consequences for the federal budget, and could hasten the Fund’s depletion by four years.

    FULL STORY AT Wharton

  • How right-leaning media coverage of COVID-19 facilitated the spread of misinformation in the early stages of the pandemic in the U.S.

    While the role that misinformation played in slowing the federal government’s response to COVID-19 is well-understood, less is known about why Americans might accept misinformation about the virus and how misinformation might affect trust in public health experts.

    FULL STORY AT Annenberg Public Policy Center

  • 60-Second Lectures in quarantine

    This spring, the 60-Second Lecture series went digital as faculty experts shed light on the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Why Americans want a carbon tax, but won’t support one at the polls

    The most efficient way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions that cause global warming is by putting a price on carbon in the form of a carbon tax. But the idea of taxing the fuels that run cars, and power homes has given Americans pause and, as a result, no carbon tax has been levied to date in the U.S.

    FULL STORY AT Kleinman Center

  • Jackson, Kraidy, Price, and Yang named ICA Fellows

    Dean John L. Jackson, Jr. and Professors Marwan M. Kraidy, Monroe Price, and Guobin Yang were four of the 31 notable scholars inducted as ICA Fellows during the 2020 Annual Conference.

    FULL STORY AT Annenberg School for Communication