Inside Penn

In brief, what’s happening at Penn—whether it’s across campus or around the world.

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  • One Book, One SP2: ‘Tell Me How It Ends’

    This summer, the entire School of Social Policy & Practice community is being asked to engage in a collective reading and continuous dialogue focused around the book “Tell Me How It Ends: An Essay in 40 Questions” by Valeria Luiselli.

    FULL STORY AT School of Social Policy & Practice

  • Law student volunteers drive success of Pennsylvania 30 Day Fund offering hope and funds to struggling small businesses

    Small businesses have been hit especially hard during the COVID-19 pandemic, and a group of Penn Law students and recent graduates continue to be “indispensable” to the Pennsylvania 30 Day Fund, a program that provides financial assistance to small businesses during the pandemic. In eight weeks, the program has raised over $1.5 million and provided loans to 442 small businesses across the state.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Carey Law

  • César de la Fuente wins inaugural NEMO Prize, will develop rapid COVID virus breath tests

    Judges from the Perelman School of Medicine and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences awarded de la Fuente $80,000 to develop his paper-based tests that can be integrated directly into face masks and provide instant results at testing sites.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Engineering

  • Penn Medicine Emergency Department to take part in NIH opioid recovery study

    Penn Presbyterian Medical Center will take part in a study comparing the effectiveness of oral versus injected buprenorphine.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Undergraduate students gather online for town hall on racism in America

    As massive support for the Black Lives Matter movement spilled into the streets in cities around the world in early June, Wharton undergraduate students were looking for ways to process their thoughts, become better allies, and take meaningful action. The Wharton, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Group and the Black Wharton Undergraduate Association worked together with the Wharton Undergraduate Division to organize the open discussion, which drew more than 70 students.

    FULL STORY AT Wharton

  • Penn Medicine chosen to lead COVID-19 response in nursing homes as part of $175 million statewide program

    The health system will expand on its partnership with the Philadelphia Department of Public Health and the city’s long-term care facilities. The goal of the effort is to work in partnership with local regulatory agencies and long-term care facilities in the development of COVID-19 readiness and response planning.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Karen Winey earns pair of scholarly awards for her work on polymer science

    In recognition of this work, the TowerBrook Foundation Faculty Fellow, professor and chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering has received the 2020 Herman F. Mark Senior Scholar Award from the American Chemical Society, and the 2020 Braskem Award for Excellence in Materials Science & Engineering from The American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Engineering

  • Palliative nursing’s role during COVID-19 and beyond

    As a rapid influx of patients overwhelmed health systems during the coronavirus pandemic, palliative nurses played dual roles supporting patients, patient families, and colleagues. Two researchers at Penn Nursing are among those detailing the important role palliative care has in responding during the COVID-19 pandemic and in future public health crises.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Nursing News

  • Penn to co-lead $6.5 million transatlantic grant to investigate the role of the immune system in heart disease

    The international team of researchers will focus on inflammation and the role different cells in the immune system play in cardiovascular health.

    FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News

  • Meme misconstrues efficacy of face masks in spread of COVID-19 reports that a meme suggesting that face masks are useless against COVID-19 has been circulating online. But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends wearing a face covering in public since the virus is transmitted mostly through droplets produced when people cough, sneeze and talk.

    FULL STORY AT Annenberg Public Policy Center