The uprposeful messiness of United States caselaw
Penn Libraries details how courts make and interpret law, and what it means for copyright.
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In brief, what’s happening at Penn—whether it’s across campus or around the world.
Penn Libraries details how courts make and interpret law, and what it means for copyright.
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At Penn, less than 1% of the student body identifies as Native American, but in the diverse schools and through Natives at Penn, Native students have forged a close-knit community. Wharton Stories speaks with Ryly Ziese, a finance concentrator and member of the Cherokee Nation, and Lauren McDonald, a finance and business analytics concentrator and member of the Onondaga Nation.
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Carthon, the Tyson Family Endowed Term Chair for Gerontological Research; professor of nursing in the Department of Family and Community Health; associate director of the Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research; the incoming director of the Bates Center for the Study of the History of Nursing is renowned for her program of research that advances health equity through innovative models of care for vulnerable older adults.
FULL STORY AT Penn Nursing News →
The Penn Transplant Institute’s new Center will expand care for living donors, helping to maximize the number of lives saved through liver and kidney transplantation.
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A $5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health will help fund research to study how placenta keep harmful substances away from developing babies while still providing proper nutrition. Research will include how transporter proteins carrying nutrients, dietary supplements, medications and toxic chemicals work during pregnancies, how individual placenta cells respond to various stimuli in the laboratory, and how environmental factors influence placental transporters during healthy and unhealthy or complicated pregnancies.
FULL STORY AT Penn Engineering Today →
The newly-digitized archive of Ed Ruscha's landmark series of Los Angeles photographs examines changes along Sunset Boulevard from 1966 to 2007.
FULL STORY AT Weitzman School of Design →
At Penn Health-Tech’s Rothberg Catalyzer two-day makerthon that challenges interdisciplinary student teams to prototype and pitch medical devices, a team of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics graduate students won with their orthotic device that children with cerebral palsy can more comfortably wear as they sleep.
FULL STORY AT Penn Engineering Blog →
A team led by scientists in the Perelman School has identified nine potential new COVID-19 treatments, including three that are already approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating other diseases. The team screened thousands of existing drugs and drug-like molecules for their ability to inhibit the replication of the COVID-19-causing coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2.
FULL STORY AT Penn Medicine News →
It is no simple task to represent the entirety of the Penn Libraries film collections under the rubric African cinema. The Penn Libraries has been collecting film and media from around the world for decades, including films by African directors and about Africa.
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The senior adjunct professor of Global Leadership at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School was elected in June to the United Nations Committee on the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) for the term 2023-2026. Adopted by the United Nations in 1979, CEDAW is the most important human rights treaty for women.
FULL STORY AT Penn Carey Law →