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Penn Senior Alice Xie to Give Emerging Scholar Talk on China’s Economic Growth
Alice Xie, a University of Pennsylvania senior, will deliver the Communication Within the Curriculum Emerging Scholar Talk on April 23 at 6:30 p.m. in Stiteler Hall Room B26, 208 S. 37th St.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Medicine Researchers Uncover Hints of a Novel Mechanism Behind General Anesthetic Action
Despite decades of common use for surgeries of all kinds, the precise mechanism through which general anesthesia works on the body remains a mystery. This may come as a surprise to the millions of Americans who receive inhaled general anesthesia each year. New research led by the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania investigated the common anesthetic sevoflurane and found that it binds at multiple key cell membrane protein locations that may contribute to the induction of the anesthetic response.
Archive ・ Penn News
Focus of Penn Researcher Leads to National Summit on Youth Aging Out of Foster Care
Johanna Greeson, an assistant professor in the School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania, is working to reform the child welfare system for children who, between the ages of 18-21, are aging out of foster care.
Archive ・ Spotlights
Penn and ADL Partner for Holocaust Education
Penn and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of Philadelphia presented a half-day workshop to introduce teachers and future teachers to “Echoes and Reflections,” a multimedia Holocaust education curriculum designed by the ADL and the USC Shoah Foundation Institute.
Archive ・ Penn News
Radiation Oncologists at Penn's Abramson Cancer Center Say Model Will Preserve Access to Technology and Propel Research
Proton therapy is in the proverbial chicken or the egg scenario. Companies are pulling back on reimbursements to treat some cancers—notably prostate, breast and lung—because of the added expense and limited evidence to back it up. But in order to demonstrate the technology’s clinical benefit—which is showing promise as a more effective and better tolerated radiation—more studies with patients are needed. So which should come first?
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Study Clarifies Action of Potential New Class of Pain Relievers that May Benefit, not Hurt, the Heart
Nonsteroidal antinflamatory drugs (NSAIDs) that block an enzyme called COX-2 relieve pain and inflammation but can cause heart attacks, stroke, heart failure, and even sudden cardiac death. This has prompted a decade-plus search for safer, but still effective, alternatives to these commonly prescribed, pain-relieving drugs.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Law Professor Harry Reicher Named to USC Shoah Foundation Teaching Fellowship
Harry Reicher of the University of Pennsylvania Law School has been named as the recipient of the USC Shoah Foundation-The Institute for Visual History and Education’s inaugural Rutman Teaching Fellowship.
Archive ・ Penn News
‘Botswana 2.0' Symposium to be Held April 23 at Penn
WHO Tebelelo Secretse, ambassador of Botswana to the United States F. Jeffress Ramsay, a Penn alumnus and deputy permanent secretary for media, Botswana Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Medicine: New Treatments Tame Hepatitis C Virus, Lessen Side Effects Seen with Other Therapies
Three million Americans suffer from Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection, with baby boomers representing a large proportion of those infected.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Cinema Studies presents conference on film diplomacy
Penn Cinema Studies will present a one-day conference on Friday, April 18, exploring the role of film, video, and digital media as tools of social change and control in global politics.