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Archive ・ Penn Current
Penn-designed gel soothes hearts after attack
Surviving a heart attack means coping with the damage it leaves behind. Even if blood flow to muscle tissue in the heart is promptly restored, the injury causes an inflammation response, and the accompanying enzymes can wreak havoc that can persist for months and even years. This lasting damage can be as serious as the immediate threat posed by a heart attack, often leading to congestive heart failure as the muscle tissue is weakened and less able to pump blood.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Student Makes a Healthy Difference for Neighbors in West Philadelphia
Adina Weissman, a student in the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice, always knew that she wanted to help people, she just didn’t know in what capacity. Over time, Weissman, who grew up in Houston, realized that a career in social work would allow her to help people overcome obstacles.
Archive ・ Penn News
Strain-specific Lyme Disease Immunity Lasts for Years, Penn Research Finds
Lyme disease, if not treated promptly with antibiotics, can become a lingering problem for those infected. But a new study led by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania has some brighter news: Once infected with a particular strain of the disease-causing bacteria, humans appear to develop immunity against that strain that can last six to nine years.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Study in Fruit Flies Shows that Epilepsy Drug Target May Have Implications for Brain Disorder Sleep Disruption
A new study in a mutant fruitfly called sleepless (sss) confirmed that the enzyme GABA transaminase, which is the target of some epilepsy drugs, contributes to sleep loss.
Archive ・ Spotlights
World Watches Colt Birth on New Bolton Center Foal Cam
With the world watching, mare My Special Girl gave birth to a colt at 9:22 p.m. on Saturday, March 29, at Penn Vet’s New Bolton Center. The grey foal weighed 104 pounds and measured 39.5 inches from crown to tail.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Medicine Researchers Present Findings on New Interventions for Treatment Resistant Hypertension, Atherosclerosis
Penn Medicine experts presented research findings that could come to define new standards of cardiovascular care, including findings on the efficacy of novel interventions for treatment resistant hypertension and atherosclerosis, at the 2014 American College of Cardiology Scientific Session, ACC.14.Late Breaking Clinical Trial Results Saturday, March 29
Archive ・ Penn News
New Penn-Designed Gel Allows for Targeted Therapy After Heart Attack
Combatting the tissue degrading enzymes that cause lasting damage following a heart attack is tricky. Each patient responds to a heart attack differently and damage can vary from one part of the heart muscle to another, but existing treatments can’t be fine-tuned to deal with this variation.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Graduate Student Named #17 of the Top 100 Most Powerful Arab Women
Students from the University of Pennsylvania really do change the world. Maha Laziri, 24, a student in Penn’s Graduate School of Education, is already making a difference in remote villages of Morocco.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Students to Host Philadelphia Middle Schoolers for ‘Science Day’ April 3
WHO: Students from the University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Earth and Environmental Science and Rising Sons, a Philadelphia nonprofit WHAT: “Science Day: From Microbes to Mountains”
Archive ・ Penn News
Trustees’ Council of Penn Women Will Present Beacon Award to Janet Napolitano
Janet Napolitano will be honored April 4 for her career in public service as the former governor of Arizona, the first female to serve as the U.S. secretary of homeland security and now as president of the University of California system. Napolitano will receive the Beacon Award from the University of Pennsylvania’s Trustees’ Council of Penn Women at a 12:30-2 p.m. luncheon in the Agora of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, 202 S. 36th St.