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GSE microgiving grant aids community involvement among South Philly youth
A group of students in South Philadelphia are learning to read critically and analyze issues important to them—one book at a time.
Archive ・ Penn News
$3.25 Million Gift Creates Penn Medicine/CHOP Friedreich's Ataxia Center of Excellence
Three longtime allies have joined forces to create the new Penn Medicine/CHOP Friedreich’s Ataxia Center of Excellence. The establishment of the center was catalyzed by a $3.25 million gift from the Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA), in partnership with the Hamilton and Finneran families.For the past 16 years, Penn Medicine, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), and FARA, a nonprofit organization dedicated to curing FA, have collaborated to provide and push forward the care needed by FA patients.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Penn neuroscientist solves motor control mystery
Whether it is in a recital hall, operating room, or on a football field, the difference between “good” and “great” often comes down to fine motor control. Even for more mundane activities, the brain must orchestrate complicated combinations of nerve signals to accomplish any given task. In order to learn those skills, the brain needs a feedback system to tell it if its muscle-controlling neurons, known as Purkinje cells, make a mistake. Without one, the brain could never adapt and improve.
Archive ・ Penn Current
ICA exhibit celebrates museum’s 50 years
Penn’s Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) opened its 50th anniversary exhibition, “ICA@50: Pleasing Artists and Publics Since 1963,” on Feb. 12 with a high-octane evening that included exhibit previews, energetic sets by Questlove of The Roots and DJ PHSH, and a powerful performance piece by Israeli artist Lior Shvil. It was no muted, traditional affair—just as “ICA@50” is no muted, traditional retrospective.
Archive ・ Penn Current
May bike ride raises funds for rare diseases
Studying and finding treatments for rare diseases such as hemophilia and cystic fibrosis require hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding, as researchers at the Penn Center for Orphan Disease Research and Therapy in the Perelman School of Medicine know all too well.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Penn research team discovers new feature of canine eyes
Dogs have been close companions of humans for tens of thousands of years, and the objects of close scientific study for many centuries. Yet researchers at the School of Veterinary Medicine and the Perelman School of Medicine have recently discovered something brand-new about canine eyes that has the potential to improve treatments for blinding retinal diseases in humans.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Researchers Model a Key Breaking Point Involved in Traumatic Brain Injury
Even the mildest form of a traumatic brain injury, better known as a concussion, can deal permanent, irreparable damage. Now, an interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania is using mathematical modeling to better understand the mechanisms at play in this kind of injury, with an eye toward protecting the brain from its long-term consequences.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Medicine: Personalized Gene Therapy Locks Out HIV, Paving the Way to Control Virus Without Antiretroviral Drugs
University of Pennsylvania researchers have successfully genetically engineered the immune cells of 12 HIV positive patients to resist infection, and decreased the viral loads of some patients taken off antiretroviral drug therapy (ADT) entirely—including one patient whose levels became undetectable. The study, appearing today in the New England Journal of Medicine, is the first published report of any gene editing approach in humans.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Announces Plan to Create 50 New Endowed Professorships
University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann today announced the newest of the Penn Compact 2020 Presidential Initiatives -- a bold plan to create up to 50 new endowed professorships over the next four years.
Archive ・ Penn News
Anatomical Discovery by Penn Team Gives Insight into Blinding Retinal Diseases
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