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A Penn Professor’s Year at the Pentagon Informs His Teaching
Michael C. Horowitz, an associate professor of political science at the University of Pennsylvania, is back on campus after spending 2013 at the Department of Defense working as a government insider on national security issues that he had previously studied as an academic outsider.
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Penn’s NROTC Trains Tomorrow’s Military Leaders to Be Ethical Ones
Early each morning this semester, Marine Corps Col. Andrew Wilcox awakes to the call of reveille in the silent darkness. By 07:30 hours, he’s conducting a mandatory leadership and ethics class for seniors in the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps at the University of Pennsylvania.
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Sweet Taste Receptors Are Primary Sentinels in Defense against Bacterial Infections in the Upper Airway, Penn Medicine Study Finds
The body uses mucus as a protective barrier to defend against pathogens, toxins, and allergens in the upper respiratory tract that can lead to such conditions as chronic sinusitis. Aiding in this defense are antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), a diverse group of small proteins found in mucus that kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In addition to these known defensive systems, researchers have recently surmised that taste receptors serve “double duty” by also acting as first line sentinels against infection in the upper airway.
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Mental Health Patients up to Four Times More Likely to Be Infected with HIV, Penn Medicine Study Finds
People receiving mental health care are up to four times more likely to be infected with HIV than the general population, according to a new study published Feb. 13 in the American Journal of Public Health from researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and other institutions who tested over 1,000 patients in care in Philadelphia and Baltimore.
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Penn Study Finds Topiramate Reduces Heavy Drinking Among Patients Seeking to Cut Down on Alcohol Consumption
Heavy drinking is common in the United States and takes a personal and societal toll, with an annual estimated cost of $223.5 billion due to losses in workplace productivity, health care and criminal justice expenses. Data show that 23 percent of individuals age 12 or older reported drinking five or more drinks on one occasion in the previous month, and almost seven percent reported doing so on at least five days per month.
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Africana Studies course explores history of black men and women at Penn
Fourteen years after the United States outlawed slavery, the first African-American students enrolled at Penn.
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Native American exhibit
“Native American Voices: The People—Here and Now,” a new exhibition that challenges visitors to leave behind preconceptions about Native Americans and discover a living tapestry of nations with distinct stories, identities, and contemporary leaders, opens at the Penn Museum on Saturday, March 1.
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People of Penn
People make Penn go ’round. Toddlers, teenagers, and young adults. Twenty-somethings, 30-somethings, and 40- and 50-plus. Sexagenarians, septuagenarians, octogenarians, and maybe even more. The “Greatest” Generation, the Silent Generation, and those that came before. Baby Boomers, Generation X-ers, and Millennials. Students, faculty, and staff. People who think, study, create, build, support, give, advise, care, protect, serve, and people who make other people.
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Post-release coat/clothing drive
Each month, almost 3,000 people are released from the Philadelphia Prison System. Many are completely unprepared for the freezing weather conditions they face. The School of Social Policy & Practice’s (SP2) Goldring Reentry Initiative is organizing a University-wide coat and winter clothing drive. Donations will be made to the Philadelphia Prison System and distributed directly to people as they are released.
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WDC summer academy introduces children to working dogs
Career-minded, animal-loving teens will once again have a chance to bolster their resumes and gain hands-on puppy experience through the Penn Vet Working Dog Center (WDC) Canine Handler Academy. The weeklong summer program at the WDC offers middle school-age students a peek into the behavioral science of canines, and a chance to take part in training the Center’s extraordinary working pups.