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Archive ・ Penn Current
Penn research team awarded grant to assess Philly’s green infrastructure
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced that a group of Penn researchers is one of five teams to be awarded funds to study green infrastructure practices in urban areas.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Medicine: Regulatory Protein Serves as a Natural Boost for Immune System's Fight Against Infection, Tumors
Substances called adjuvants that enhance the body’s immune response are critical to getting the most out of vaccines. These boosters stimulate the regular production of antibodies -- caused by foreign substances in the body -- toxins, bacteria, foreign blood cells, and the cells of transplanted organs.But, biologists think that vaccine adjuvants could be much better: The currently available licensed adjuvants are poor inducers of T helper cells and even worse at inciting killer T cells that clear viruses, as well as eradicate cancer cells.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Grab good grub at campus cafes
Finding a place to grab a bite to eat on campus is a piece of cake with the addition of a variety of cafes in University buildings where students, faculty, and staff work and study.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Penn report ranks world’s top think tanks
The results are in and the Brookings Institution has been named “Think Tank of the Year” in the “Global Go-To Think Tank Rankings,” an annual report issued by Penn’s Think Tanks and Civil Society Program (TTCSP) in the School of Arts & Sciences (SAS). The rankings were announced at a Jan. 22 news conference hosted by the World Bank in Washington, D.C.
Archive ・ Penn News
University of Pennsylvania to Host Think Tank Summit in South Africa
The University of Pennsylvania will host a regional meeting of African think tanks February 3-5 in Pretoria, South Africa.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Penn Vet symposium talks animal disaster care
When disaster strikes, people often want to help, but don’t know how. When the victims in a catastrophe include animals, which often can’t help themselves, the approaches to intervention are unique.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn’s Thomas Sugrue Elected President of Social Science History Association
Thomas J. Sugrue, professor of history and sociology at the University of Pennsylvania and director of the Penn Social Science and Policy Forum, has been elected president of the Social Science History Association. It is the leading international association in the field.
Archive ・ Penn News
Historian Etienne Benson to Discuss Urban Squirrels at Penn Science Café
WHO: Etienne Benson Assistant Professor of History and Sociology of Science University of Pennsylvania
Archive ・ Penn News
Dinosaur Fossils From China Help Penn Researchers Describe New 'Titan'
A team led by University of Pennsylvania paleontologists has characterized a new dinosaur based on fossil remains found in northwestern China. The species, a plant-eating sauropod named Yongjinglong datangi, roamed during the Early Cretaceous period, more than 100 million years ago. This sauropod belonged to a group known as Titanosauria, members of which were among the largest living creatures to ever walk the earth.
Archive ・ Spotlights
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Penn is an academic powerhouse, with vast potential to create knowledge, connect it across all divides, and use it for the progress of humankind.