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Penn Student Studies Effects of Learning on Perceptual Decisions
For the last two summers, University of Pennsylvania junior Timothy Kim has remained on campus to explore the effects of learning on human perceptual decision-making. Kim, who is from Incheon, South Korea, works in the Perelman School of Medicine laboratory led by Joshua Gold, associate professor of neuroscience.
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Penn: Protein That Protects Nucleus Also Regulates Stem Cell Differentiation
The human body has hundreds of different cell types, all with the same basic DNA, and all of which can ultimately be traced back to identical stem cells.
Archive ・ Penn Current
New-look Penn Bookstore offers bolstered features, increased services
The Penn Bookstore has a new look, and is offering patrons an increased array of consumer options and customer care.
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ARG showcases Auguste Rodin sculpture show
Artist Auguste Rodin has been called the forefather of modern sculpture. Widely recognized for his innovative work in deconstructing the human body into fragments or partial figures, his works of art touch on emotion, realism, and movement. In his day, Rodin was a nonconformist, rebelling against 19th century French academic standards, which were largely focused on decorative figure sculptures that followed a theme, such as mythology. His avoidance of traditional models and poses would come to define his legacy.
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Coders ready for Penn Engineering’s inaugural HACKfest
In a hackathon, teams of coders compete against each other and the clock, working night and day to produce the best possible application under a tight deadline. For the first time, the School of Engineering and Applied Science’s two signature hackathons—PennApps and PennHacks—are being brought together under one banner: HACKfest 2013.
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Penn Study: Shutting off Neurons Helps Bullied Mice Overcome Symptoms of Depression
A new drug target to treat depression and other mood disorders may lie in a group of GABA neurons (gamma-aminobutyric acid –the neurotransmitters which inhibit other cells) shown to contribute to symptoms like social withdrawal and increased anxiety, Penn Medicine researchers report in a new study in the Journal of Neuroscience.
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Penn's Basser Research Center for BRCA Brings Mission Into U.S. Synagogues
This fall, the University of Pennsylvania’s Basser Research Center for BRCA is taking its lifesaving efforts to raise awareness about hereditary breast and ovarian cancers on the road and into synagogues across the country.
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A Message to the Penn Community from President Amy Gutmann
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 274th year of the University of Pennsylvania and to share with you a brief update. This was a productive summer at Penn, with a major ongoing restoration and renovation of the ARCH building, finishing touches to our new Singh Center for Nanotechnology, and visits with Penn alumni, parents, and friends in Hong Kong and Washington, D.C. on our Time to Shine world thank-you tour.
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Immune System, Skin Microbiome "Complement" One Another, Finds Penn Medicine Study
Researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania demonstrate for the first time that the immune system influences the skin microbiome. A new study found that the skin microbiome – a collection of microorganisms inhabiting the human body – is governed, at least in part, by an ancient branch of the immune system called complement. In turn, it appears microbes on the skin tweak the complement system, as well as immune surveillance of the skin.
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Penn Student Studies Diet and Exercise at South Philadelphia Clinic
University of Pennsylvania senior Sarah Schulte spends her summer hours in the Puentes de Salud clinic in South Philadelphia, investigating nutrition and exercise trends.