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Two From Penn Win Pulitzer Center International Student Reporting Fellowships
In a pilot partnership with the University of Pennsylvania Africa Center, two Penn students have been named 2013 Pulitzer Center International Student Reporting Fellows.
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Penn Medicine: Gene Therapy Shows Protection in Animal Models to Flu Strains
Researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania have developed a new gene therapy to thwart a potential influenza pandemic. Specifically, investigators in the Gene Therapy Program, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, directed by James M.
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Rakesh Vohra Appointed Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor
Rakesh Vohra has been named the University of Pennsylvania’s 15th Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor, effective Aug. 1. The announcement was made today by Penn President Amy Gutmann and Provost Vincent Price.
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Penn Researcher’s Studies Yield Surprises About Lichens, Biodiversity
Since the time of Linnaeus and even before, biologists and naturalists have been keen to organize living things into distinct groups. Now the modern technology of rapid DNA sequencing has revolutionized that categorizing task, providing a window into the relationships among species about which little was once known.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Digital humanities conference beams into Penn
Professionals and students who work in the field of digital humanities—where computing and the humanities meet—are often confronted with the same technological challenges: How can I find the resources I need? What tools are best for the task I want to perform? How do I build understanding within my institution for the goals I want to achieve?
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Penn researchers use dogs to detect ovarian cancer
When it comes to the sense of smell, dogs far surpass the capacity of human beings. Humans sniff out odors using about 350 different olfactory receptors, but canines utilize more than 1,000 to inhale a world jam-packed with smells, including the volatile organic compounds or odorants altered in the earliest stages of ovarian cancer.
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Groovin’ on up at the 40th Street Summer Series
Grab the kids and blanket, stroll over to the Walnut West Free Library, and claim your spot on Saturday, May 25, for the first of five free family-friendly outdoor concerts thrown by the 40th Street Summer Series. Now in its ninth year, the series will feature live musical entertainment on the last Saturday of each month, May through September.
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SP2 conference seeks end to homelessness
Imagine a world where each and every person has a safe, affordable, and adequate home in which to live, a world where the term “homelessness” is erased from the lexicon, and, like smallpox, eradicated from human history. In an effort to reach such a place, Penn is hosting an international conference on Monday, June 3, and Tuesday, June 4, that will focus on the public policies and personal ways that individuals can help bring an end to homelessness.
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HR classes offer tips to manage stress, avoid injuries
Happy and physically fit employees help create a positive work environment; therefore, the Division of Human Resources (HR) is promoting both physical and mental health among Penn faculty and staff. Spring is the perfect time to recharge the body and jump into an exercise routine, but poor training practices can lead to a host of problems, including sprains and strains, knee injuries, swollen muscles, fractures, and dislocations.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn President Amy Gutmann to Speak at Wharton Global Alumni Forum
University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann will visit Tokyo to meet with Wharton alumni at its Global Alumni Forum, presenting a keynote address on May 24 at 9:30 a.m. at the Palace Hotel. Dr. Gutmann will address the value of higher education and speak on Penn’s recent entry into the world of massive open online courses, called MOOCs, in her address, “Maximizing Returns: The Enduring Value and Bold Future of Higher Education.”