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Penn Talks Gun Violence with Capt. Mark Kelly
WHAT: “Finding Common Ground: Moving Forward,” a gun violence prevention event, hosted by the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice. Includes a screening of “Living for 32,” a documentary featuring Colin Goddard, who was shot six years ago at Virginia Tech.
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Penn Medicine: Lack of Consensus Among Health Care Providers in Identifying Sepsis Poses Threat
Though the toll of sepsis is known to be enormous – it is estimated to cost the U.S. health care system $24.3 billion each year, and is the nation’s third-leading killer, behind heart disease and cancer – the true magnitude of incidence of and death from the illness remains unknown. There is substantial variability in these numbers, depending on the method used to identify the condition in patients treated at hospital across the United States, according to a new study from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
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Two Penn Faculty Among 2013 Guggenheim Fellows
Philippe Bourgois and Carlin Romano of the University of Pennsylvania have been named 2013 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellows.
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Penn Study Shows One Quarter of Patients Discharged from Hospitals Return for Emergency Care Within 30 Days
A study led by researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and Boston University School of Medicine has found that nearly one quarter of patients may return to the emergency department within 30 days of being discharged from a hospitalization. None of these emergency room visits that do not lead to subsequent admission are included in calculating hospital readmission rates, which are a key focus of health care cost containment and quality improvement efforts.
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Penn Vet Working Dog Center offers training classes
One of the benefits of teaching a dog new tricks is impressing your friends and family. Fancy canine feats also help strengthen the bond between dog and dog owner, and provide exercise for the dog’s body and brain. “As your dog starts to learn things, and you start to communicate some of these really simple behaviors, you suddenly become a team and there’s a partnership,” says Cindy Otto, executive director of the Penn Vet Working Dog Center.
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Living silently, celibate, and technology-free
For 29 days last spring, students in Justin McDaniel’s religious studies course observed a code of silence, eschewed all electronic communications, and spent no more than $50 per week. They practiced celibacy, ate only raw vegetables or meat cooked without oil, and performed a daily act of kindness, preferably for a stranger.
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Engineering student award benefits middle school girls
Thanks to Kate Miller, a bioengineering major in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, there will be a new computer programming class taught at Penn’s Girls in Engineering, Math and Science (Penn GEMS) summer camp.
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Open Enrollment period begins on April 15
The Division of Human Resources’ (HR) Open Enrollment period, which runs from Monday, April 15, to Friday, April 26, is a time for Penn faculty and staff to take a close look at the comprehensive array of healthcare options offered by the University to make sure they have the right types of benefits for their current situation.
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SP2 race series addresses Philly Mag article
The School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2) and the African-American Resource Center kicked off their ongoing “Let’s Talk About Race” discussion in January with a frank conversation on race relations in America as part of Penn’s annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Symposium on Social Change.
Archive ・ Penn News
University of Pennsylvania Student Wins Truman Scholarship
Christina Economy, a junior at the University of Pennsylvania, has been awarded a Harry S. Truman Scholarship, a merit-based award for college students who plan to pursue careers in government or in public service and who wish to attend graduate or professional school to help prepare for their careers.Economy, of Hawaii, is pursuing a double major in international relations and economics at Penn. She has interned at the Center for Democracy in the Americas and will be an intern at the U.S. embassy in La Paz, Bolivia, this summer.