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A rite of spring: the Penn Relay Carnival
The 119th Penn Relay Carnival is coming to Penn’s campus, and faculty, students, and staff are invited to Franklin Field to cheer on athletes as they strive to beat the competition. Scheduled for April 25-27, the Penn Relays features high school, collegiate, and professional track and field athletes from across the world. Dave Johnson, director of the Relays, expects about 18,000 athletes to compete.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Student Spotlight with Aya Saed
NUBIAN KINGDOM: Senior Aya Saed, 21, is Sudanese but was born in Saudi Arabia. An international relations major, she grew up in Riyadh, Annandale, Va., and Washington, D.C.
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Arthur Ross Gallery celebrates 30 years with "La Tauromaquia"
The Penn Museum and the Institute of Contemporary Art are two of Philadelphia’s most well-known and highly regarded museums, drawing tens of thousands of visitors to Penn annually.
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Public Safety excellence
Maureen Rush, vice president of the Division of Public Safety, and Penn Police sergeants Michael Belisairo and Christian Vandervort recently completed a hearing before the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) Conference in North Charleston, S.C. The Penn Police Department received its 5th CALEA Accreditation Award.
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Bring daughters and sons to Penn for a fun-filled workday
Do you have a future engineer, police officer, or dentist at home? An aspiring IT specialist or Wall Street mogul? Or might your child need a bit of encouragement with schoolwork? Bring them to campus on April 25 so they may examine careers, enrich their minds, and have fun during Penn’s celebration of the nationwide Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.
Archive ・ Penn News
A Penn Nursing Student Finds Her Niche for Helping
Marissa DeCesaris hopes to make an impact on improving care for the mentally ill. The Nursing junior, a Marlton, New Jersey native, became interested in the field after taking a psychology class in high school. Her interested deepened as a Penn freshman, while working with Nursing Professor Nancy Hanrahan researching mental health services and people with mental illness.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Q&A with Jonah Berger
It was Jonah Berger’s grandmother who first introduced him to Malcolm Gladwell. While he was a student at Stanford, Berger’s grandmother sent him a review of Gladwell’s book, "The Tipping Point.” Berger was intrigued, read the book, and loved it, but says he was nagged by questions about human behavior that drove outcomes. Were there really just a few select “connectors” or “mavens” who made products popular or ideas catch on—or were things actually more predictable, more scientific than that?
Archive ・ Penn Current
Rare finds at Katz Center
Situated on a bustling block in Old City, around the corner from the American Philosophical Society, sits a place dedicated to serious scholarship and quiet contemplation. Penn’s Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies is a space for high-level post-doctoral research in Jewish studies, drawing about 20 Fellows annually from institutions around the world. It is a place that affords scholars on sabbatical three things they desperately need: funding, time, and quiet.
Archive ・ Penn Current
For the Record: Penn Softball
Women’s sports at Penn unofficially began when women enrolled in the University in the late 1800s. These activities flourished in 1921 with the creation of the Women’s Athletic Association (WAA).
Archive ・ Penn Current
Time to Shine
The Penn community is invited to celebrate the success of the Making History Campaign at a campus-wide party on Friday, April 19, from 5 to 9 p.m. at Penn Park, 31st Street between Walnut and South streets. The gala will feature Grammy Award-winning artists John Legend, C’99, and Train, entertainment by more than a dozen student groups, exhibition sports matches, food and beverages, and a fireworks finale.