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Janet Malcolm to Teach at Penn March 18-19 as Kelly Writers House Fellow
Craig Seligman wrote of the University of Pennsylvania’s latest Kelly Writers House Fellow, Janet Malcolm, “Like Sylvia Plath, whose not-niceness she has laid open with surgical skill, she discovered her vocation in not-niceness.
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Penn Alum, Adjunct Guides People Through Loss, Grief
Loss and grief can occur at all stages of life. But, it’s not just about death or dying. It also happens with infertility, physical illness, pregnancy losses, the dissolution of marriages and other relational break-ups.
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Penn Study: Telestroke Program Increases "Golden Hour" Access to Stroke Care by 40 Percent
Telestroke programs substantially improve access to life-saving stroke care, extending coverage to less populated areas in an effort to reduce disparities in stroke care access.
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Penn Alum Lawrence Lessig to Speak at National Constitution Center for Democracy Café
Lawrence Lessig, a University of Pennsylvania alumnus and public intellectual, is leading a charge to overhaul the U.S. Constitution. He’s coming to Philadelphia, home of the original Constitutional Convention, to build momentum for drafting a new one.
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Psych prof puts new wrinkle in marshmallow test
For decades, a psychological experiment known as the marshmallow test has captured the public’s imagination as a marker of self-control and a predicator of future success. In the test, a researcher presents a child with a marshmallow and leaves him or her alone for a few minutes. If the child can resist eating the marshmallow until the researcher returns, he or she can have two marshmallows instead of one.
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Soil testing to ensure safe gardening
As the days lengthen and temperatures rise, gardeners are beginning to venture outdoors to tend the pots and beds that have sat neglected throughout the winter. But before sowing their carrot and kale seeds, many city-dwelling green thumbs may wonder whether the food they will harvest from their urban plots is truly safe to eat.
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Vice President Biden to speak at Penn’s 257th Commencement
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., vice president of the United States, will deliver the address at Penn’s Commencement on Monday, May 13, 2013.Biden began his more than 40 years in public service as a county council member in Delaware, then spent more than three decades as a U.S. senator, where he served until becoming vice president in 2008.
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Monica Medina Named Executive Director of the Wharton Public Policy Initiative
The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is pleased to announce that Monica Medina has been named Executive Director of the Wharton Public Policy Initiative. Ms. Medina, who currently serves in the U.S. Department of Defense as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, will be the first Executive Director of the Initiative. She will assume this Washington, DC-based position on April 12.
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SP2 event aims to reduce recidivism rates
According to the Mayor’s Office of Reintegration Services for Ex-Offenders, thousands of people are released from state, local, and federal detention centers each year, making the successful reintegration of ex-offenders, both juvenile and adult, a critically important workforce and public safety issue in the Philadelphia region. Without serious intervention, two-thirds of these ex-offenders will commit new crimes and return to prison within three years.
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Ph.D. candidate investigates mortality under 50
Although it is the richest nation in the world and the sole remaining superpower, life expectancy at birth in the United States is among the lowest of all high-income countries. In 2007, the life expectancy of American males was 75.6 years—the lowest among a set of 17 high-income countries and 3.7 years less than the world leader, Switzerland. American females had the second-lowest life expectancy at birth at 80.8 years—5.2 years less than the world leader, Japan.