A complete list of stories featured on Penn Today.
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It may come as a surprise that the man behind Dance Celebration—one of the nation’s longest-running and highly-respected series of contemporary dance performances—has no background in professional dance. [flickr]72157631739942982[/flickr] “Well, when I was a kid I was a tap dancer. But that didn’t amount to anything. I didn’t have any talent,” says Randy Swartz, founder and artistic director.
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The whole family can have a day of fun at the 20th Annual Penn Family Day, Saturday, Oct. 13. As with previous Family Days, the festivities will be held on the north side of Franklin Field, where visitors this year can also enjoy the new Shoemaker Green.
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In conjunction with the 2012-13 Penn Humanities Forum on Peripheries, the Penn Museum is presenting Culture Films, a documentary series with a theme of people marginal to the societies in which they live. The series kicks off on Sunday, Oct. 14, at 2 p.m.
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An exhibit on display in the Burrison Gallery by photographer Judy Gelles shows fourth graders revealing wisdom beyond their years as they share some of the important issues they face in their lives. Gelles’ multi-media exhibition, “Fourth Grade Project,” uses words and photographs to create portraits of the youngsters.
Archive ・ Penn Current
The 2008 election of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States was a revolutionary moment in American history. Two hundred and twenty-one years after the U.S. Constitution declared African Americans only three-fifths of a person, and 151 years after the U.S. Supreme Court deemed blacks “beings of an inferior order,” (Dred Scott v. Sanford) the United States elected its first African-American president in a landslide.
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Penn played a significant role in the founding of the Big 5 Basketball series, created in 1955 to showcase men’s college basketball talent in the Philadelphia region. Teams from Penn, Temple, Saint Joseph’s, La Salle, and Villanova competed in the round-robin series, taking turns to play one another a set number of times during each basketball season.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Close your eyes. Tighter, so you see only black. Now, picture Ancient Egypt. None of us was there, but most of us can visualize the ancient civilization of northeastern Africa because we’ve seen photographs and drawings of its great pyramids, pharaohs, temples, monuments, earthenware, tombs, and hieroglyphics. Now, imagine that you’re blind, and have been since birth. What does Ancient Egypt look like to you, with no visual references or imagery to rely on? In fact, what does history look like when it’s concealed in darkness?
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The Women’s Committee of the Penn Museum is bringing back its signature fundraiser, “TREASURES,” from Oct. 26-28. Tickets are $15 for the show or $25 for the show and admission to Museum exhibition “MAYA 2012: Lords of Time” (both tickets also include regular Museum admission).
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Beginning Oct. 15, investing 20 minutes of your time could lead to a healthier lifestyle and put a little extra cash in your pocket, too. The new “Be in the Know” wellness incentive program, operated by the Division of Human Resources (HR), was created to help Penn staff and faculty learn their key health biometrics—blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Dear Benny,I want to join the gym at Penn, but I don’t know where to start. What does a membership include? And can I take all kinds of fitness classes with a membership?—Wanting to feel the burnDear Wanting,