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Staff Q&A with Harriet Joseph
The Daily Pennsylvanian has called her Penn Basketball’s resident “Bubbe.” Other students know her as their academic advisor. For 25 years, Harriet Joseph has helped shape the landscape of student life at Penn. She’s worked in the College of General Studies (now called the College of Liberal and Professional Studies), running the precursor to the Master of Liberal Arts program. She’s served as a College advising officer and she’s worked as director of the Alumni Council on Admissions.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Penn Park softball tournament to raise funds for breast cancer
“Now batting, for the University of Pennsylvania, number 1740, catcher, Benjamin Franklin.” Penn students, faculty and staff, and the surrounding West Philadelphia community can “batter up” for the University’s “Year of Games” by playing in a charity softball game to benefit breast cancer awareness and research.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Effect of new patent law pending
The history of the United States is littered with stories about small inventors creating some of society’s most notable and innovative products. From the creative duo who invented Google and the team that created the first Apple computer, to the Los Angeles building inspector who created a plastic version of a tin pie plate that would later come to be known as the Frisbee—all were invented by people not affiliated with a company.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Health and social justice
Penn’s School of Nursing and the Perelman School of Medicine present a talk on Nov. 9 from Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet. Horton, who was born in London and qualified in medicine from the University of Birmingham, will discuss “Health and Social Justice: Enemies or Bedfellows” from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in Claire M. Fagin Hall, 418 Curie Blvd.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Penn Family Day offers oodles of fun for all
Penn Family Day is not your average "company picnic." From its humble beginnings 19 years ago as a day to treat employees to a free football game and picnic lunch, the annual affair, hosted by Penn Athletics and the Division of Human Resources (HR), has grown into a daylong funfest expected to draw thousands.
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Arts and Sciences Series Knowledge by the Slice Explores 'Politics of Hard Economic Times'
WHO: Panelists: Matt Levendusky, Marc Meredith, Julia Gray and Yuhua Wang, University of Pennsylvania assistant professors of political science. Edward Mansfield, Hum Rosen Professor of Political Science, will moderate.
Archive ・ Penn News
Public Invited as Botswana-UPenn Partnership Members Gather to Reflect on 10 Years
WHAT: Three sessions of the Botswana-UPenn Partnership’s 10th anniversary celebration are open to the public: a student-perspective forum, a research update and an anniversary symposium. All will be held on the University of Pennsylvania campus. STUDENT FORUM:
Archive ・ Penn News
Penn Researchers Find That Many Minority Teachers Sign On but Do Not Stay
PHILADELPHIA — Research from the University of Pennsylvania has found that success in recruiting minority teachers for low-income schools is being undone by continuing problems with teacher retention.
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Penn Team Wins Entrepreneurial Innovation Award
PHILADELPHIA — The National Science Foundation (NSF) has selected a University of Pennsylvania team as a member of its inaugural class of NSF Innovation Corps awards. The I-Corps Awards recognize research that has the potential for commercial applications and connects scientists to entrepreneurial resources.
Archive ・ Penn News
U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu to Speak at Penn
WHO: Steven Chu Nobel Prize-winning physicist and the U.S. secretary of energy WHAT: A lecture on “How Innovation Has Changed the World.”