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Penn Researchers Find That Many Minority Teachers Sign On but Do Not Stay
PHILADELPHIA — Research from the University of Pennsylvania has found that success in recruiting minority teachers for low-income schools is being undone by continuing problems with teacher retention.
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Penn Team Wins Entrepreneurial Innovation Award
PHILADELPHIA — The National Science Foundation (NSF) has selected a University of Pennsylvania team as a member of its inaugural class of NSF Innovation Corps awards. The I-Corps Awards recognize research that has the potential for commercial applications and connects scientists to entrepreneurial resources.
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U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu to Speak at Penn
WHO: Steven Chu Nobel Prize-winning physicist and the U.S. secretary of energy WHAT: A lecture on “How Innovation Has Changed the World.”
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Penn Team Links Schizophrenia Genetics to Disruption in How Brain Processes Sound
PHILADELPHIA - Recent studies have identified many genes that may put people with schizophrenia at risk for the disease. But, what links genetic differences to changes in altered brain activity in schizophrenia is not clear.
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Penn Physicists’ New Manufacturing Technique Means Higher Quality Nanotube Devices
PHILADELPHIA -- Major advances in materials science and nanotechnology promise to revolutionize electronic devices with unprecedented strength and conductivity, but those promises can’t be fulfilled if the devices can’t be consistently manufactured. Working on the nanoscale means the effects of even the smallest imperfections are magnified, but University of Pennsylvania physicists have developed a new printing technique that is effective at making carbon nanotube devices with minimal impurities.
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Penn GSE Researcher Weighs In on the Dream Act
What if there were 65,000 people in the United States who, despite successfully completing their secondary education, had no hope for the future? There are.
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Botswana-UPenn Partnership to Mark 10 Years of Collaboration
PHILADELPHIA -- Ten Botswana-UPenn Partnership faculty and staff based in that southern African nation will join their colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania Monday, Oct. 10, to begin a weeklong reflective celebration of their 10 years of collaboration. The anniversary observance will include a host of discussions reflecting on the Partnership’s efforts in fighting HIV/AIDS and developing other medical, research and academic programs to benefit the people of Botswana and students at Penn.
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Penn Study: Downsides of Cancer Care Rarely Seen in Black Media
PHILADELPHIA -- Blacks in the United States who rely on African American news publications for health information are about three times less likely to learn about important aspects of cancer care than they would be if they turned to mainstream media for the same information.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Student performances offer fun, inexpensive entertainment
Penn students are known for their academic talents, but throughout the school year, gifted student comedians, singers, dancers, musicians and actors show off their skills in a wide variety of public performances. The presentations are popular among students, who attend to cheer on their friends from the audience. But it may come as a surprise that many others who attend the 70 shows each year are faculty, staff and the general public.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Penn alumna receives award for work combating discrimination against women
Honored for her lifelong work on behalf of women everywhere, Carol E. Tracy, the executive director of the Women’s Law Project (WLP) and a Penn alumna and lecturer, received the inaugural Sadie Alexander Leadership Award on Oct. 5 from the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations.The award, named for one of Penn's most distinguished alumnae, was presented during a celebration of the Commission’s 60th anniversary at the Warwick Hotel in Center City.