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Penn Group to Host Discussion of "Beyond Marriage: State of LGBTQ Rights in America."
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University of Pennsylvania Student Wins Design Competition for New York City Sidewalk Sheds
University of Pennsylvania Student Wins Design Competition for New York City Sidewalk ShedsJan. 25, 2010 PHILADELPHIA –- A University of Pennsylvania student’s design will change the look of New York City’s ubiquitous sidewalk canopies that protect pedestrians walking alongside buildings under construction.
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Applications to Penn reach all-time high
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Penn’s Field Center Hosts Community Symposium: "Health Care Reform – Hope for the Welfare of Children"
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Penn students mobilize to help Haiti
Penn students have responded to the crisis in Haiti in creative and useful ways, ranging from a performing arts benefit to campus-wide food and medicine drives.
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Penn Green Fund Accepting New Applications Beginning Feb. 1, Submission Deadline Is March 15
PHILADELPHIA –- The University of Pennsylvania’s Green Fund will accept applications beginning Feb. 1 for a second round of one-time grants to be used to finance innovative ideas from students, faculty or staff that are designed to help Penn meet its sustainability goals, as outlined in its Climate Action Plan. Deadline for submission is March 15, and the awards will be announced in April. The maximum allocation is $50,000.
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RecycleMania Kick-off Monday to Include Presentation of PennMOVES’ $30,000 Donation to United Way
WHAT: The kick-off for 10 weeks of RecycleMania, when the University of Pennsylvania joins 400 schools across the nation to see which school can cut the most waste and increase its rate of recycling. Special events at Penn begin with a Recycle Bin Rally, where personal recycling bins will be given to the first 200 who attend, a presentation of the proceeds from June’s PennMOVES sale to the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania, and the screening of the documentary film “No Impact Man.” WHO:
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Penn’s Center for High Impact Philanthropy Provides Free Online Guide to Credible, Effective Charities to Help Haiti
PHILADELPHIA — The Center for High Impact Philanthropy at the University of Pennsylvania has created a series of online briefs to provide up-to-date information about smart philanthropic ways to help Haiti’s earthquake victims.
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School of Social Policy & Practice
In the Caster Building at 3701 Locust Walk, the Penn School of Social Policy & Practice is one of the oldest social work programs in the world. For more than a century, the School has contributed to the advancement of more effective, efficient and humane human services through education, research and civic engagement.
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Tough questions welcome at askBen
Navigating the complex world of financial aid, class registration and tuition payment can be a daunting task. How does Penn award financial aid? What do you do if a class you need is already full? And how can people pay their tuition bills anyway?