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Penn Reading Project to Focus on the Thomas Eakins Painting 'The Gross Clinic'
PHILADELPHIA –- Reading a painting? At the University of Pennsylvania incoming freshmen will test their visual literacy in this year’s Penn Reading Project with “The Gross Clinic,” an 1875 Thomas Eakins painting showing a surgery in progress.The masterpiece is jointly owned by the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. “The Gross Clinic” represents the first departure from a text-only book in the 19-year history of the Penn Reading Project.
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YouthWorks Celebration Wednesday at Sayre High School Will Feature Garden Harvest, Project Video, Food Samples
WHAT: Agatston Urban Nutrition Initiative’s YouthWorks, a celebration of end-of-summer youth-development programs, sponsored by the Netter Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania.
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Stedman Graham at Sayre High School Monday to Rally 200 Summer Program Students to Achieve Their Visions
WHAT: Stedman Graham will share his Nine-Step Success Process with youth assembled at Sayre High School to learn how to develop a vision for their lives. During this exclusive visit to Philadelphia, Graham will address the assembly for about an hour, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session.
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Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Advances in Development Reverse Fertility Declines, Says Penn Collaborative Study
PHILADELPHIA – A team of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and the Università Bocconi in Milan have released a study that challenges one of the most established and accepted standards in the social sciences: Human fertility levels tend to decline as countries advance towards high levels of social and economic development.
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Science-Minded Middle School Girls Graduate from Summer Program at Penn Engineering School
Archive ・ Penn Current
Thomas Eakins' "The Gross Clinic" selected for 2009-10 Penn Reading Project
Thomas Eakins' painting, "The Gross Clinic," is the 2009-10 Penn Reading Project selection. This is the first visual text selection in the Project's 19-year history. For the past 18 years, the Penn Reading Project has showcased books ranging from “Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography” to Malcolm Gladwell’s “The Tipping Point.”
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Penn Will Host First Neuroscience Boot Camp Aug. 6; News Media Welcome
PHILADELPHIA –- Psychologists, neuroscientists, legal scholars and faculty from the University of Pennsylvania are hosting Penn’s first Neuroscience Boot Camp, a nine-day seminar devoted to educating academics, legal and business professionals, economists, medical ethicists, policy makers, philosophers and writers on the impact of emerging neuroscience research and to foster an interdisciplinary effort to encourage responsible and ethical use of neuroscience for human benefit.
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New Garden to Be Unveiled at West Philadelphia High School as Part of Urban Nutrition Initiative at Penn
WHAT: A celebration of the opening of the West Philadelphia High School Garden, a program of the Agatston Urban Nutrition Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania’s Netter Center for Community Partnerships
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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Awards 100 Projects, $30 Million to University of Pennsylvania Research
PHILADELPHIA –- The University of Pennsylvania has received more than $30 million in research funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, awards that fund more than 100 studies in gene therapy, robotics, public education, neurological disorders, tobacco’s effect on health and more.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Penn doctoral candidate part of first-place software contest team
Doctoral candidate David Weiss is part of the software-engineering team currently in first place for The Netflix Prize, a $1 million contest to improve the company’s movie recommendation software.