A complete list of stories featured on Penn Today.
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WHAT:”Responses to the Urban Crisis: Riots, Disasters, Urban Renewal and Social Change,” a panel discussion about what individuals, organizations and communities can do in response to social upheaval and the implications for social change.WHO:
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PHILADELPHIA -– Tobias Baumgart, assistant professor of chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania, and Joachim Krieger, assistant professor of mathematics at Penn, have been named Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellows for 2008.
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PHILADELPHIA –- The University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science has received a five-year, $7.5 million grant to draw inspiration from biological organisms, including humans, in order to create principles of cooperation to control teams of next-generation, unmanned, robotic vehicles.
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PHILADELPHIA -– The preservation of ancient Maya sites, efforts to sustain modern Maya cultural traditions and the need to conserve vanishing tropical forests and coastal environments are all are on the agenda April 11-13 when the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology collaborates with the Nature Conservancy to present its 26th annual Maya Weekend.
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PHILADELPHIA — The Field Center for Children’s Policy, Practice and Research at the University of Pennsylvania will host a symposium, “Bang for Your Buck: Public Child Welfare and the Pursuit of Accountability,” Wednesday, April 9, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the Penn Law School, 3400 Chestnut St.
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PHILADELPHIA –- To ensure that talented, high-achieving students can chart their educational paths without regard to financial resources, the University of Pennsylvania has launched a new financial-aid initiative to make a Penn education affordable for students from low- and middle-income families.Also, the Penn trustees today approved the smallest percentage increase in tuition and fees in seven years.
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PHILADELPHIA –- The 200th anniversary in February 2009 of the birth of Charles Darwin, originator of the modern theory of evolution, is just months away. Now, the University of Pennsylvania, in conjunction with the University of Penn Museum and major Philadelphia cultural organizations, is launching a Year of Evolution series of public programs and events from late April 2008 through May 2009.
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Note for TV and radio: The University of Pennsylvania has a satelliteuplink facility with live-shot capability and an ISDN line.March 17, 2008Expert: David SkeelProfessor of LawUniversity of PennsylvaniaCredentials: Researches and teaches bankruptcy law, corporate lawAuthor of “Debt’s Dominion: A History of Bankruptcy Law in America” and “Icarus in the Boardroom”Quote:
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PHILADELPHIA -– A team of scientists led by University of Pennsylvania veterinary researchers have identified a gene, TEX11, located on the X chromosome, which when disrupted in mice renders the males sterile and reduces female fecundity. This is the first study of the genetic causes of infertility that links a particular sex chromosome meiosis-specific gene to sterility.
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PHILADELPHIA — “Remembered Light – Destruction and Resurrection: Glass Fragments from World War II,” which opens at the University of Pennsylvania’s Arthur Ross Gallery on March 29, is a traveling exhibit that presents the works of 13 contemporary European and American artists and incorporates shards of stained glass from destroyed churches.