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Penn Humanities Forum Addresses Aging
PHILADELPHIA -- In a public panel discussion, "Time's Potential: The Past, Present, and Future of Aging," the Penn Humanities Forum addresses a lack of humanities research on the topic of aging. The discussion will take place at 4:00 pm on Wed., May 1 in Houston Hall Bodek Lounge, 3417 Spruce Street.
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Exhibitions Set at Penn's Graduate School of Fine Arts
PHILADELPHIA -- With the end of the semester at the University of Pennsylvania, there is an explosion of exhibitions showcasing studentswork. The works of these emerging artists offer an opportunity to begin an art collection or simply a chance to witness the beginning of a career.Penn Graduate School of Fine Arts has several exhibitions in the upcoming weeks.
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Cinebridge and Penn Announce Plans for Innovative new Theatre
Philadelphia, PA, -- Cinebridge and the University of Pennsylvania made a joint announcement today regarding the finalization of a lease for an innovative new movie theatre to be built at 40th and Walnut Streets in Philadelphia University City neighborhood. The new theatre, which is a joint effort between Cinebridge and exhibition leader National Amusements, will be one of a new brand known as "The Bridge: Cinema De Lux." The Penn theatre will be the second "Bridge" in the country with the inaugural site located in Los Angeles.
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Short Teenage Boys Earn Less Than Tall Teenage Boys When They Each Grow Up
PHILADELPHIA -- "Not fitting in" has negative, long-term, economic consequences for short, teenage boys. Decades later, they are far more likely to earn less money than their taller peers. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have found that a boy's height at age 16 is a significant determinant of his salary as an adult. Penn economics professors Nicola Persico and Andrew Postlewaite and Penn graduate student Dan Silverman are co-authors of the report, "The Effect of Adolescent Experience on Labor Market Outcomes: The Case of Height."
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"Hi, Mom!" -- Penn Students Develop a Way to Personalize Commencement for Participants
PHILADELPHIA Graduates of several schools at the University of Pennsylvania will be able to individualize their commencement experience this year thanks to MarchingOrder. The program will also be used at the University of New Mexico.
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The Olympics in Philadelphia? For Some Penn Students, It's an Idea Whose Time Is Coming
PHILADELPHIA -- While the world's athletes were assembling in Salt Lake City last winter, a group of city-planning students at the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Fine Arts were working on their own Olympic dream of Philadelphia one day hosting the Summer Olympics. They will unveil their ambitious plans at a public forum at 4 p.m., Wednesday, April 24, in the fifth-floor Executive Conference Room of the First Union Building, 123 S. Broad St.
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Moving from Welfare to Earning a Family-Sustaining Wage Takes Longer Than Predicted
PHILADELPHIA Welfare reform laws have made it extremely difficult for low-wage earners to support their families, according to a new study by Roberta Iversen, professor and associate dean in the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work. Even after three years of steady work, former welfare recipients still did not earn a family-supporting income, though their incomes exceeded established federal and state poverty guidelines, the study found.
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Moving from Welfare to Earning a Family-Sustaining Wage Takes Longer Than Predicted
PHILADELPHIA Welfare reform laws have made it extremely difficult for low-wage earners to support their families, according to a new study by Roberta Iversen, professor and associate dean in the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work. Even after three years of steady work, former welfare recipients still did not earn a family-supporting income, though their incomes exceeded established federal and state poverty guidelines, the study found.
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Penn Receives Grant to Strengthen Middle-Grades Math, Prepare Students for Engineering Careers
PHILADELPHIA The University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education and School of Engineering and Applied Science have been awarded $300,000 from the GE Fund to improve studentsmath skills in two West Philadelphia elementary schools and to open up new career opportunities.The curriculum at the Penn-assisted elementary school, which has not yet been named, and the Henry Lea Elementary School will be adapted one year at a time so that at the end of the three years eighth-graders will be ready for algebra.
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Adding Carbon Nanotubes to Epoxy Yields a Composite Three Times Harder and Far Better at Conducting Heat
PHILADELPHIA Ever since carbon nanotubes debuted a decade ago, scientists have touted the strength attainable by ordinary materials reinforced with these strands of pure carbon. Subsequent studies have added superior heat-conducting properties to the futuristic fibersportfolio of benefits.