A complete list of stories featured on Penn Today.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Before Reginald Lewis, before Bruce Llewellyn, before John Johnson, there was Madame C.J. Walker, a trailblazer for black entrepreneurs in America. She built a hair-care products empire in the early 20th century, in time becoming one of America’s first African-American woman millionaires, a noted philanthropist and a hero to African-Americans and women alike.
Archive ・ Penn Current
The competition to get into Penn gets stiffer with each passing year. Just how much stiffer is reflected in this year’s early-decision admissions figures. A record-high 2,851 prospective students applied for early decision admission to Penn’s Class of 2005, and a record-low 36.2 percent of these, or 1,033, were admitted, according to the Undergraduate Admissions Office. Last year, 38.8 percent (997) of the 2,570 early-decision applicants were admitted.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Popocatepetl is close enough to Mexico City to cover its population of 22 million people with a blanket of ash. Mount Rainier, considered the most dangerous volcano in the Cascade Range, dominates the landscape over the Seattle/Tacoma area. Catastrophic volcano eruptions such as the one that buried Pompeii during ancient times have the potential to wreak havoc on modern humans as well, said the speakers in a program, “Explosive Volcanism in Human History,” held at the University of Pennsylvania Museum on the evening of Jan. 17.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Valentine’s Day approaches, and all across campus, thoughts turn to romance. What to do to show that special someone that he or she truly is special?
Archive ・ Penn News
PHILADELPHIA In the most accurate picture yet of the makings of our universe, astronomers have determined that a measly 5 percent of its mass comes from the ordinary matter that makes up planets, stars and gases. The finding, by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., and the University of Colorado at Boulder, is scheduled for publication next month in the journal Physics Review D.
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PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia first "green building," the Cusano Environmental Education Center in the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum, has opened. The mission of the project is to demonstrate the importance of the environment to our quality of life. The building features extensive use of recycled materials and wood grown in sustainable, managed forests and an energy-efficient geo-thermal heating and cooling system. The architecture and the design of the site, including landscape, roads and paths, are closely integrated.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Pennsylvania Current has received a gold award in the Internal and External Publications category of the 2001 Accolades Awards program, run by District II of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). The Current was the sole gold award recipient among the 32 periodicals submitted to the competition by schools in the Middle Atlantic states and Ontario, the region covered by CASE District II. Among other things, the judges cited the paper’s appearance and its fresh treatment of familiar stories.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Ozzie and Harriet have gotten divorced, had surrogate babies, have become single parents and may soon fight over the true parent of their cloned infant. All these changes in their lifestyle are being taken to court, and family law has to figure out what rights each of them and their children and the grandparents have.
Archive ・ Penn Current
The Penn Law School has played a groundbreaking role in American legal education over the course of its 150 years. That much was made clear when Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, told the story of another trailblazing woman in her remarks at the Law School’s 150th anniversary celebration Nov. 17.
Archive ・ Penn Current
As part of the Provost’s Lecture Series, Larry Gross, Sol Worth Professor of Communications in the Annenberg School, delivered a lecture Dec. 5 adapted from his essay, “Visibility and its Discontents,” which appeared in the Winter 2000 issue of Images, published by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. The essay is excerpted here: