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Kidnapped by Books
"A book is like a burr. It's got to challenge you and make you think and keep making you think. Books have been my best friend. I was an only child and I was kidnapped by books." The speaker, book artist Susan Barron, was not alone. She was surrounded by people kidnapped by books. Twenty-five of them. And she was surrounded by books--on witchcraft and the Inquisition.
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To the Wire for Quiz Kids
The buzzer sounded. Regulation play had ended. The whole crowd sat on the edge of their seats waiting to see who would be declared the winner of the first ever National Academic Quiz Tournament (NAQT). Run similarly to the NCAA basketball tournament, the competition started at Penn Friday, with 64 college teams answering batteries of questions on topics ranging from classical studies to modern rock music a la the old "College Bowl" television show. And now it was down to this.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Innovation Corner: Professional Development and Quality of Work Life: New Programs for Penn Employees
The University has begun a major effort over the past year to broaden the range of programs it offers to address employee development, job satisfaction and the quality of work life at Penn. In the Agenda for Excellence, Penn stated its commitment to "provide administrative employees with greater opportunities to improve their skills, grow professionally, and enhance their careers within the University." Following a lengthy examination of existing employee-related programs,
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Well Said
The following quotes from Penn professors and others appeared in publications across the country and around the world. There is the "constantly used argument that reading something is better than reading nothing. It is an impregnable position. But my question is: By presenting literature in this form, are we ensuring that children will never read the original?" --Lawrence Sipe, assistant professor in the Graduate School of Education, commenting on the return of Classic Comics after a 25-year hiatus (Philadelphia Inquirer, Tuesday, Jan. 7).
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Legislation Releases Linguistic Treasure Trove to Penn Researchers
Long blocked by law from using Voice of America and Radio Marti recordings, linguistic researchers at Penn are hoping the Cold War weapons of words will soon become a rich data base for shaping the future of computing and advancing language instruction. "There's no source of linguistic information quite like it," said Michael Lenker, managing director of Penn's Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC). "It's a treasure of material that couldn't be used until now."
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Nuggets on Eating--How Much, When, and Why
We heard some morsels worth repeating at a psychology department colloquium about food and eating last week on campus. John de Castro of Georgia State University presented his research on the physiological, psychological and sociological influences on food and fluid intake in humans. We didn't hear much about fluid, except for a brief mention of alcohol, but we did hear a couple of tidbits about food intake that surprised us and heard many kernels that confirmed our suspicions.
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EBONICS: Penn Linguist Talks about the Talk
In testimony before a U.S. Senate subcommittee last week, University of Pennsylvania Professor of Linguistics William Labov weighed in with his views and his expertise about the controversy stirred up when the Oakland, Calif., school board passed a resolution to use Ebonics to teach African-American students reading and writing.
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Penn-Spruce Hill Effort Wins Award
The "Spruce Hill Community Renewal Plan," a blueprint for the future of the neighborhood adjacent to the University of Pennsylvania, has received the Pennsylvania Planning Association's (PPA) top award for "comprehensive planning by a small community."
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In MLK Jr. Tradition, Butts Gives Rousing Keynote Speech
The Rev. Calvin O. Butts, who has fought for social justice while serving as pastor of New York's Abyssinian Baptist church, delivered a rousing keynote speech at the evening program for Martin Luther King Jr. Day at the Annenberg School theater, Monday, Jan. 20. Butts, who gained national attention for leading a successful campaign against liquor and tobacco ads targeted at African-American communities, leads one of the largest and most influential African-American churches in the country, and recently spoke out against rap music lyrics that promote violence and abuse of women.
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Penn Helps Fire Victims
When the residents of the Sherwood Court Apartments were driven from their homes by an arson fire six days before Christmas, the people of Penn joined in with their Spruce Hill neighbors to restore some cheer to the holiday. Director of Volunteer Services Bonnie Ragsdale and Community Relations Director Glenn Bryan delivered a van full of food, clothing and gifts for the holidays to the Spruce Hill Community Association's offices just before Christmas.