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For the Record: Penn memorabilia
Some Penn students show their school spirit by leading a cheering crowd at football games at Franklin Field, or by throwing toast during the singing of “Drink a Highball.” Other Penn fanatics use red and blue paint to spell out “P-E-N-N” on their bodies. Clothing bearing a variety of designs, fonts, and University nicknames, spelling out “Pennsylvania” or “U of P” and in recent years, “Penn,” has always been a popular way to show Penn pride, but many other items have also offered students a chance to say, “Hurrah for the Red and Blue.”
Archive ・ Penn Current
Introducing the Penn Center for Innovation
Scientific research is one of the main drivers of technological innovation. Whether it is a drug for treating cancer or a new material for building solar panels, every new invention owes its existence to fundamental discoveries about the workings of the world. The boundaries of this sphere of knowledge are principally pushed in the labs and workshops of research universities like Penn.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Bringing women back to computer science
In Susan Davidson’s opinion, computer science is an ideal field for anyone to shape a career.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Contest calls on computer scientists to improve seizure detection
Many epilepsy patients respond to medication for preventing the onset of seizures, but for individuals whose seizures remain uncontrolled, everyday activities, like driving a car, can become suddenly dangerous. For those patients, neurostimulation therapy is an option. There, implanted electrodes first monitor the brain for the abnormal electrical activity that is the signature of an impending seizure, and then deliver electrical pulses of its own to disrupt that activity before it impacts the patient’s motor control.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll returns
Each year, the University City District organizes the Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll, a signature summer festival during which merchants open their doors and offer deals for a dollar. The Stroll also features live music, food trucks, and street performers. This year’s Dollar Stroll will be held on Thursday, June 19. Participants include the Green Line Cafe, Friends of Clark Park, Milk & Honey Market, Desi Village, Y-Not Radio, Lee’s Deli, Vientiane Café, Pound Cake Heaven, Firehouse Bicycles, the Mariposa Food Co-op, and Little Baby’s Ice Cream.
Archive ・ Penn Current
How much vacation time do Penn staffers get?
Dear Benjamin,After trying to get a job at Penn for years, I was recently hired (Hallelujah!) as a full-time staff member at the University. I hear Penn has a generous benefits package and I was wondering—what is the University’s vacation policy?—I Am Very Happy To Be Here!
Archive ・ Penn Current
Student Spotlight with Debora Lui
DIY 2.0: Do-it-yourself culture has evolved to include a lot more than the needlework and canned vegetables of yore. From personal 3D printers to build-your-own robot kits, the DIY landscape is quickly changing, and Debora Lui, a joint Ph.D. student in the Graduate School of Education and the Annenberg School for Communication, has made it her mission to study this phenomenon known as the Maker Movement—and the ways people are using it to exchange knowledge.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Penn science and art at the edge of space
The beauty of the universe is perhaps nowhere quite as readily apparent as in the rarefied air of Chile’s Atacama Desert. More than three miles above sea level, it’s closer to the edge of space than almost anywhere else on the planet. The thin, clear, bone-dry air, devoid of light pollution, makes it an ideal spot for observatories, and now, another way of reflecting on the beauty of the cosmos.
Archive ・ Penn Current
Science and Lightbulb cafés: Summer edition
Most students and faculty have left Penn for the summer, but those still on campus can enjoy stimulating conversations from University professors at the summer edition of the Penn Science Café and Penn Lightbulb Café. The Science Café focuses on hard scientific research, while the Lightbulb Café illuminates the “soft sciences.”
Archive ・ Penn News
Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher of Penn Receives 2014 Jackie Kirk Outstanding Book Award
Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher, associate director of the International Educational Development Program at the Graduate School of Education of the University of Pennsylvania, has earned the Comparative and International Education Society’s 2014 Jackie Kirk Outstanding Book Award for her new edited volume, Refugees, Immigrants and Education in the Global South: Lives in Motion.