University Mourns Loss of Stephanie Marchesani, UPHS Employee and Part-time Grad Student

We are saddened to share with you that Stephanie Marchesani, 30, a part-time master’s student in the School of Nursing, died suddenly Sunday in New Jersey. Since 2008, Stephanie had worked full-time as a registered nurse at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP). In 2014, she enrolled in the Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Program. Stephanie earned her undergraduate degree in Nursing from Temple University.  We do not have information from the family about memorial services at this time, but we will share details once we have information.

University and HUP staff are working closely to support Stephanie’s friends, colleagues, and peers. A support session for classmates in her cohort will take place Tuesday, September 13, in the School of Nursing at 12pm in Room 118.

At times like this, know that there are a number of University resources available to help you and your classmates. We encourage you to talk with someone:  a CAPS counselor, the Chaplain’s Office, a trusted faculty member or academic advisor, a family member, colleague, and/or a friend.   We want you to know, now, and always, that you are very important to us, and we want you to know that you are not alone. 



Our ongoing University resources include the following services: