A round-up of Penn mentions in local, national, and international media.
Penn In the News
Kathleen Hall Jamieson of the Annenberg Public Policy Center talks about Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy.
Penn In the News
When Messiah College senior Courtney Allen went to study abroad in Panama in 2013, she wasn’t concerned with earning academic credit.
Penn In the News
Matt Blaze of the School of Engineering and Applied Science pens an op-ed about strengthening computer security.
Penn In the News
Roy Hamilton of the Perelman School of Medicine is interviewed about wearable brain enhancing consumer technology.
Penn In the News
It’s not every day that Yale University gets an offer like this: Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) invited the 315-year-old Ivy League institution to move to the Sunshine State. The Connecticut legislature has a proposal to impose a tax on some investment profits from the university’s $26.5 billion endowment, and Scott seized on the opportunity to tempt the historic New Haven school to warmer climes. “We would welcome a world-renowned university like Yale to our state and I can commit that we will not raise taxes on their endowment,” Scott announced in a news release Tuesday.
Penn In the News
Facing severe budget cuts from the state around 2010, University of California campuses started increasing their admission of out-of-state students, who pay much higher tuition rates than do California residents. UC officials never made a secret of the strategy, and some even spoke of hoping parents of high school students would start lobbying for larger state appropriations. That didn't happen.
Penn In the News
Stephanos Bibas of the Law School says, “We may not have another justice on the court for another year. If they just ditch this case, for a year you persist in having different laws in different parts of the country.”
Penn In the News
Undergraduates Vaishak Kumar and Kriya Patel are highlighted as two winners of the President’s Engagement Prize.
Penn In the News
A notorious white supremacist computer hacker has claimed responsibility for sending anti-Semitic fliers to networked printers at several universities across the country, a coordinated cyberattack that included the University of Maryland and Princeton among thousands of targets.
Penn In the News
Anne Norris of the Perelman School of Medicine is quoted about the warning signs of Lyme disease.