A round-up of Penn mentions in local, national, and international media.
Penn In the News
Fewer students are earning a college credential within six years of first enrolling in college, according to new data from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. The nonprofit clearinghouse is able to track 96 percent of students nationwide. It found an overall national completion rate of 52.9 percent for students who enrolled in the fall of 2009. That rate was down 2.1 percentage points from that of the previous year's cohort of students, according to the clearinghouse, and the rate of decline is accelerating.
Penn In the News
Namni Goel of the Perelman School of Medicine comments on the effects of sleep deprivation on the body aside from fatigue.
Penn In the News
President Obama wants college students at Missouri and elsewhere to organize and protest when it's important, but he's also worried about something else: students being too quick to shut down the other side and not listen. In a wide-ranging interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, he argued that on college campuses, students are too eager to avoid debate and discussion:
Penn In the News
Starting in the mid-20th century, academe became idolized, in good times, as embodying everything right about America, and demonized, in bad times, as embodying everything wrong. It’s neither, and both — a crazy, amorphous amalgam of interests and histories that couldn’t have been planned and won’t become extinct. It was ragtag and subpar until World War II, then enjoyed a 30-year golden age.
Penn In the News
Nancy Hirschmann of the School of Arts & Sciences comments on the importance of transparency in academic research.
Penn In the News
A resolution to honor the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks each year at the University of Minnesota was rejected by the student government there, with some students expressing concern that such a measure could foster “Islamaphobia.” The resolution noted that the attack still has a lasting effect on many on campus, and “the events of that date are of immeasurable importance to the world we live in today,” and that the university has no formal memori
Penn In the News
Carmen McLean and Edna Foa of the Perelman School of Medicine are cited for research that revealing that when common drug treatments failed for adults with OCD, exposure and prevention therapy improved symptoms.
Penn In the News
Arthur van Benthem of the Wharton School co-writes an article about the battle against deforestation.
Penn In the News
With foreigners enrolling in U.S. schools at record numbers, students such as Noah Hernandez, a freshman at the University of California, San Diego, are getting a global view of the world without leaving their home state. The school has thousands of Chinese students, including Mr. Hernandez’s roommate, who pay three times the in-state tuition. “If I were running a school, it would make sense” to accept them, said the biology major, as a clutch of Mandarin-speaking students walked by.
Penn In the News
Matt Blaze of the School of Engineering and Applied Science is quoted about encryption.