A round-up of Penn mentions in local, national, and international media.
Penn In the News
Penn In the News
Emily Owens of the School of Arts & Sciences comments on school resource officer programs.
Penn In the News
Douglas Smith of the Perelman School of Medicine comments on brain trauma in children who play tackle sports.
Penn In the News
Penn In the News
A new book, Educating a Diverse Nation, co-authored by Marybeth Gasman of the Graduate School of Education, is reviewed.
Penn In the News
Undergraduate student Theodore Caputi of the Wharton School writes about the most valuable skill he has learned thus far in college.
Penn In the News
Penn In the News
Howard Kaufold of the Wharton School talks about the key subject areas that the School has been focusing on for the MBA program.
Penn In the News
The requirement that college employees report campus sexual assaults is designed with an important goal in mind: to ensure that no incident gets swept under the rug. If a student is assaulted on a Friday night and immediately informs a resident adviser or faculty member, that employee must notify the college’s Title IX coordinator as soon as possible. The coordinator then must investigate the student’s claims, as required by Title IX, the federal gender-equity law.
Penn In the News
Dean Joan Hendricks and Nicola Mason of the School of Veterinary Medicine are quoted about health solutions originally developed for pets that could help humans.