Penn in the News
A round-up of Penn mentions in local, national, and international media.
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Penn In the News
Harvard Ideas on Health Care Hit Home, Hard
For years, Harvard’s experts on health economics and policy have advised presidents and Congress on how to provide health benefits to the nation at a reasonable cost.
Penn In the News
Drug May Help Fight Obesity
Thomas Wadden of the Perelman School of Medicine comments on the history of weight-loss drugs.
Penn In the News
The PM Will Have to Bend the Sangh Parivar to His Will: Devesh Kapur
Devesh Kapur of the School of Arts & Sciences is interviewed about the challenges India will face in 2015.
Penn In the News
A Hundred Years’ Failure
Eric Schneider of the School of Arts & Sciences writes about the War on Drugs.
Penn In the News
How to Keep Your Resolutions
Kevin Volpp of the Perelman School of Medicine and the Wharton School and Katherine Milkman of the Wharton School write about keeping New Year’s resolutions.
Penn In the News
Nicely Aged
Patrick McGovern of the Penn Museum is interviewed about the process for researching and recreating ancient alcoholic beverages.
Penn In the News
Penn Doctor Going Back for Second Tour Fighting Ebola in Africa
Trish Henwood of the Perelman School of Medicine is featured for continuing work in an Ebola treatment unit in Liberia.
Penn In the News
New Brain-Imaging Approach Could Help Smokers Quit
Caryn Lerman of the Perelman School of Medicine is spotlighted for researching a new brain-imaging approach that could help with smoking cessation.
Penn In the News
‘It’s Not a Puzzle, It’s a Decision’
Mark Alan Hughes of the School of Design is interviewed about Philadelphia’s future as an energy hub.
Penn In the News
Harvard Law Title IX Violations: Will Other Colleges Take Notice?
Harvard Law School violated Title IX in how it handled sexual violence and harassment complaints, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has ruled after a four-year investigation.