How The U.S. Can Capture the $170B Opportunity In International Higher Education

The international opportunity is not one U.S. colleges and universities can afford to overlook. In his book, College Disrupted: The Great Unbundling of Higher Education, Ryan Craig – who was either kind enough to lend me this column for the week or on vacation (not sure which) – engages in the following thought experiment: Consider the following: Education is Australia’s largest services “export” sector, contributing $13.5 billion to the Australian economy, or roughly 1 percent of GDP… If the United States was able to generate 1 percent of GDP from the export of online programs, that’s $170 billion or about 7 times the current U.S. higher education “export market” (i.e., international students studying stateside). It would represent a 30 percent increase in the overall higher education market.

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