Should UVA Frat Sue Rolling Stone for Debunked Rape Story? (+Video)

Phi Kappa Psi, the University of Virginia fraternity depicted in a 2014 Rolling Stone story as the center of a brutal college “rape culture,” says it may seek damages from the legendary music magazine after Charlottesville, Va., police said Monday that they found no evidence that corroborates the article’s main contention. The piece, by contributing editor Sabrina Rubin Erdely, documented a bitter search for justice by a UVA student named “Jackie,” who was allegedly gang-raped by seven fraternity house brothers on Sept. 28, 2012. Rolling Stone was forced to apologize for its reporting after failing to interview any of the alleged attackers, and after other reporters found enough inconsistencies in the story to conclude the piece was largely, as The Washington Post’s Erik Wemple writes, “a crock.”

・ From Christian Science Monitor