Student Athletes Report Success After College, But Sports Take Toll on Some Men

The latest results from a landmark survey of college graduates contains two big findings: Female college athletes make great employees; and male college football and basketball players pay a physical price later in life. The insights come courtesy of the Gallup–Purdue Index, a 2014 survey of 30,000 college graduates commissioned by Purdue President Mitch Daniels to discern the value of a college education. The upshot: It is less important where a student attends college than how involved they become with a mentor, a community or a long-term project. On Wednesday, Gallup released data gleaned from the survey focusing on college athletes. For employers, the biggest takeaway may be that 48% of female athletes report feeling engaged at work, compared with 41% of female nonathletes. That engagement generally translates into productivity, loyalty and success.

・ From The Wall Street Journal